- build/start server first since client will fetch data from server (ie: image_url, text for overlapping images)
- build/start client server (fetches info from server)
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm start
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm start
- Has a single javascript file as entry point
- Handles Javascript/ES6/React code with both .js and .jsx and outputs single .js bundle (ie: Carousel.jsx, App.js, public)
- Handles Scss code with .scss extension, output .css with unique hash added to fielname
- Handles IMG with .jpeg.jpg.png.gif, return reference to file with link(tested jpg - pokeball)
- Handle SVG with .svg extension, return base64 (pikachu, did not test svg files with 1 mb <)
- PhotoGallery takes in an array of images(used array of text but can switch out easily, fetches url from server)
- Each image will have a url and caption (fetches url and caption from server)
- Captions should be displayed over the image
- Click or swipe through images(has next and prev buttons)
- Has animations (bonus)
- edge cases: handles array edges, but not responsive and did not add webkits,etc, can do postcss in those cases and media queries
- Application fetches data from 3rd party api
- Use renderToString to render React Component with data from 3rd party api
- Send response to client (http://localhost:3000/ssr)
- Client app hydrates js bundle
- Application has div(used button) that alerts when clicked