Provides helper methods for dealing with a has_many :addresses relationship as a single method. Such as @user.billing_address and @user.billing_address=
Includes full validations for addresses with multiple categories.
Includes a formtastic & simpleform helper method to create/update the address of a parent object. Uses the Carmen gem so when a Country is selected, an AJAX request populates the State/Province fields as appropriate.
Rails 3.2.x and Rails 4 Support
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'effective_addresses', :git => ''
Run the bundle command to install it:
bundle install
Then run the generator:
rails generate effective_addresses:install
The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options and creates a database migration.
If you want to tweak the table name (to use something other than the default 'addresses'), manually adjust both the configuration file and the migration now.
Then migrate the database:
rake db:migrate
If you'd like to use the form helper method, require the javascript in your application.js
//= require effective_addresses
To create a address, just add the mixin to your existing model and specify the name of the address
To use without any validations, just add the mixin to your existing model:
class User
acts_as_addressable :billing
Calling @user.billing_address will return a single Effective::Address. Calling @user.billing_addresses will return an array of Effective:Addresses
This adds the following getters, along with the setters:
Using the effective_addresses.config.full_name value from the initializer, you can also define validations, simply, as follows:
class User
acts_as_addressable :billing => true, :shipping => false
This means when a User is created, it will not be valid unless a billing_address exist and is valid.
Or you can define validations, with a bit more detail, as follows:
class User
acts_as_addressable :billing => {:presence => true, :use_full_name => false}
Everytime an address is changed, an additional address record is created. The latest address will always be returned by:
You can find all past addresses (including the current one) by:
Make your controller aware of the acts_as_addressable passed parameters:
def permitted_params
:billing_address => [:full_name, :address1, :address2, :city, :country_code, :state_code, :postal_code],
:shipping_address => [:full_name, :address1, :address2, :city, :country_code, :state_code, :postal_code]
Use the helper in a formtastic or simpleform form to quickly create the address fields. This example is in HAML:
= semantic_form_for @user do |f|
%h3 Billing Address
= effective_address_fields(f, :billing_address)
= f.action :submit
= simple_form_for @user do |f|
%h3 Billing Address
= effective_address_fields(f, :billing_address)
= f.submit 'Save'
Currently only supports Formtastic and SimpleForm.
Assuming the javascript has been properly required (as above), when you select a country from the dropdown an AJAX GET request will be made to '/effective/address/subregions/:country_code' and populate the state dropdown with the appropriate states or provinces
MIT License. Copyright Code and Effect Inc.
You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of Code and Effect
This is a work in progress gem. It needs smarter validations, dynamic methods and google maps integration
The test suite for this gem is unfortunately not yet complete.
Run tests by:
rake spec