PineBlog is a light-weight blogging engine written in ASP.NET Core MVC Razor Pages, using Entity Framework Core. It is highly extendable, customizable and easy to integrate in an existing web application.
- Markdown post editor
- File management
- Light-weight using Razor Pages
- SEO optimized
- Open Graph protocol
- Clean Architecture (youtube: Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core)
- Entity Framework Core, SQL database
- Azure Blob Storage, for file storage
- ..only a blogging engine, nothing else..
Because PineBlog is very light-weight it is not a complete web application, it needs to be integrated in an existing web application or you need to create a basic web application for it. There are a few things PineBlog depends on, but that it does not provide.
- Authentication and authorization
Note: The admin pages require that authentication/authorization has been setup in your website, the admin area has a
with the default policy set to all pages in that area folder.
You can install the Opw.PineBlog metapackage from the console.
> dotnet add package Opw.PineBlog
The Opw.PineBlog metapackage includes the following packages.
Opw.PineBlog.EntityFrameworkCore package
The PineBlog data provider that uses Entity Framework Core.
Opw.PineBlog.RazorPages package
The PineBlog UI using ASP.NET Core MVC Razor Pages.
Opw.PineBlog.Core package
The PineBlog core package. This package is a dependency forOpw.PineBlog.RazorPages
You add the PineBlog services and the Razor Pages UI in the Startup.cs of your application.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// or services.AddMvcCore().AddPineBlogRazorPages();
// or services.AddMvc().AddPineBlogRazorPages();
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
// make sure to add the endpoint mapping for both RazorPages and Controllers
And a few properties need to be configured before you can run your web application with PineBlog.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=inMemory; Database=pineblog-db;"
"PineBlogOptions": {
"Title": "PineBlog",
"Description": "A blogging engine based on ASP.NET Core MVC Razor Pages and Entity Framework Core",
"ItemsPerPage": 5,
"CreateAndSeedDatabases": true,
"ConnectionStringName": "DefaultConnection",
"AzureStorageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"AzureStorageBlobContainerName": "pineblog",
"FileBaseUrl": ""
To be able to update the blog settings from the admin pages, you need to add the PineBlog IConfigurationProvider
s to the
in the Program.cs
. Add config.AddPineBlogConfiguration(reloadOnChange: true);
to ConfigureAppConfiguration(..)
on the IWebHostBuilder
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostingContext, config) => {
config.AddPineBlogConfiguration(reloadOnChange: true);
For more information, please check the documentation.
For technical background information, check the blog:
The sample project contains an example web application with PineBlog.
Please see the code :nerd_face
The demo site is a playground to check out PineBlog. You can write and publish posts, upload files and test application before install. And no worries, it is just a sandbox and will clean itself.
Password: demo
PineBlog is used on the following website:
We accept fixes and features! Here are some resources to help you get started on how to contribute code or new content.
Copyright © 2019, Of Pine Wood. Created by Peter van den Hout. Released under the terms of the MIT license.