Citadel is a high level API around NIOSSH. It aims to add what's out of scope for NIOSSH, lending code from my private tools.
It features the following helpers:
- TCP-IP forwarding child channels
- Basic SFTP Client
// - MARK: Fill these in:
let eventloop: EventLoop
// E.G.
let sshHost: String
// Password or public key
let sshCredentials: SSHAuthenticationMethod
// Accept anything, custom validator or predefined keys
let hostKeyValidator: SSHHostKeyValidator
// Use a custom Mongo Connection builder
let pool = MongoSingleConnectionPool(
eventLoop: eventLoop,
// Provide an authenticationSource, as defined by MongoDB. If unknown, likely `admin`
authenticationSource: settings.authenticationSource ?? "admin",
// Provide MongoKitten credentials
credentials: settings.authentication
) { eventLoop in
// Create a connection boot
sshHost: sshHost,
authenticationMethod: sshAuthenticationMethod,
hostKeyValidator: hostKeyValidator
).flatMap { sshClient in
// The address that is presented as the locally exposed interface
// This is purely communicated to the SSH server
let address: SocketAddress
do {
address = try SocketAddress(ipAddress: "fe80::1", port: 27017)
} catch {
return sshChannel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(SSHClientError.invalidOriginAddress)
return sshClient.createDirectTCPIPChannel(
using: SSHChannelType.DirectTCPIP(
targetHost: "localhost", // MongoDB host
targetPort: 27017, // MongoDB port
originatorAddress: address
}.flatMap { childChannel in
MongoConnection.addHandlers(to: childChannel, context: context)
A couple of code is held back until further work in SwiftNIO SSH is completed.
- RSA Authentication (implemented, but in a fork of NIOSSH)
- SSH Key format parsing (just haven't had the time to make a public API yet)
I'm happy to accept ideas and PRs for new API's.