
A command line tool to make installing my vapor template easier

Primary LanguageSwift


Vaporize is a small tool built around Vapor's Console framework that is heavily inspired by Vapor's toolbox. Right now, the executable will generate a new project for you using my Vapor Template (https://github.com/mcdappdev/Vapor-Template), ask you for some MySQL/Redis information, and then generate a clean project for you using those specifications.


You must have Swift installed, as well as the Vapor toolbox.


You can run the following code in your terminal to download Vaporize:

curl -sL 162llc.com/install.sh | bash


Vaporize has four main functions: new, model, controller, and view.


The new command generates a new project using https://github.com/mcdappdev/Vapor-Template. After running vaporize new, you'll be presented with a list of questions that it will use to fill in templating options in the template. It'll even create a local MySQL store for you, if you ask it to.


The model command generates a new model using the same format as in the Vapor Template.

vaporize model ModelName property1:string property2:bool property3:int property4:double

The above command will generate the following output:

import Vapor
import FluentProvider

final class ModelName: Model {
    var storage = Storage()

    var property1: String
    var property2: Bool
    var property3: Int
    var property4: Double

    init(property1: String, property2: Bool, property3: Int, property4: Double) {
        self.property1 = property1
        self.property2 = property2
        self.property3 = property3
        self.property4 = property4

    init(row: Row) throws {
        property1 = try row.get(ModelName.Field.property1)
        property2 = try row.get(ModelName.Field.property2)
        property3 = try row.get(ModelName.Field.property3)
        property4 = try row.get(ModelName.Field.property4)

    init(json: JSON) throws {
        property1 = try json.get(ModelName.Field.property1)
        property2 = try json.get(ModelName.Field.property2)
        property3 = try json.get(ModelName.Field.property3)
        property4 = try json.get(ModelName.Field.property4)

    func makeRow() throws -> Row {
        var row = Row()

        try row.set(ModelName.Field.property1, property1)
        try row.set(ModelName.Field.property2, property2)
        try row.set(ModelName.Field.property3, property3)
        try row.set(ModelName.Field.property4, property4)

        return row

//MARK: - Preparation
extension ModelName: Preparation {
    static func prepare(_ database: Database) throws {
        try database.create(self, closure: { builder in

    static func revert(_ database: Database) throws {

//MARK: - JSONConvertible
extension ModelName: JSONConvertible {
    func makeJSON() throws -> JSON {
        var json = JSON()

        try json.set(ModelName.Field.id, id)
        try json.set(ModelName.Field.property1, property1)
        try json.set(ModelName.Field.property2, property2)
        try json.set(ModelName.Field.property3, property3)
        try json.set(ModelName.Field.property4, property4)
        try json.set(ModelName.createdAtKey, createdAt)
        try json.set(ModelName.updatedAtKey, updatedAt)

        return json

//MARK: - Timestampable
extension ModelName: Timestampable { }

//MARK: - Field
extension ModelName {
    enum Field: String {
        case id
        case property1
        case property2
        case property3
        case property4

You can also add the --viewData or --node flag which will add ViewDataRepresentable and NodeRepresentable conformance, respectively.

In addition, if you use a capital letter as the start of the type value, the parser will infer a relationship to another entity. Like this:

vaporize model ModelName user_id:User


import Vapor
import FluentProvider

final class ModelName: Model {
    var storage = Storage()

    var user_id: Identifier

    var user: Parent<ModelName, User> {
        return parent(id: user_id)

    init(user_id: Identifier) {
        self.user_id = user_id

    init(row: Row) throws {
        user_id = try row.get(ModelName.Field.user_id)

    init(json: JSON) throws {
        user_id = try json.get(ModelName.Field.user_id)

    func makeRow() throws -> Row {
        var row = Row()

        try row.set(ModelName.Field.user_id, user_id)

        return row

//MARK: - Preparation
extension ModelName: Preparation {
    static func prepare(_ database: Database) throws {
        try database.create(self, closure: { builder in

    static func revert(_ database: Database) throws {

//MARK: - JSONConvertible
extension ModelName: JSONConvertible {
    func makeJSON() throws -> JSON {
        var json = JSON()

        try json.set(ModelName.Field.id, id)
        try json.set(ModelName.Field.user_id, user_id)
        try json.set(ModelName.createdAtKey, createdAt)
        try json.set(ModelName.updatedAtKey, updatedAt)

        return json

//MARK: - Timestampable
extension ModelName: Timestampable { }

//MARK: - Field
extension ModelName {
    enum Field: String {
        case id
        case user_id

Note: This will also add the Preparation to Config's array to automatically setup the database.


The controller command, when used without options, generates a super simple controller that can be used for adding routes/views.

vaporize controller ControllerName

The above command results in the following question:

Create in Views folder or API folder? (view/api)

Responding with view will produce the following file:

import Vapor
import Flash

final class ControllerName: RouteCollection {
    private let view: ViewRenderer

    init(_ view: ViewRenderer) {
        self.view = view

    func build(_ builder: RouteBuilder) throws {
        builder.frontend() { build in


Responding with api will produce the following file:

import Vapor
import Flash

final class ControllerName: RouteCollection {
    func build(_ builder: RouteBuilder) throws {
        builder.version() { build in


//MARK: - EmptyInitializable
extension ControllerName: EmptyInitializable { }

Extra Controller options

You can also specify functions and routes to add to the controller. Add them to the command similar to the model command, but in the following format: <functionName>:<functionType>:<functionRoute> where functionName is the name of the function, functionType is either get or post, and functionRoute is the route in which to add it to the drop.

vaporize controller NewController homeView:get:home logoutView:get:home

Running the above command will generate the following file:

import Vapor
import Flash

final class NewController: RouteCollection {
    func build(_ builder: RouteBuilder) throws {
        builder.version() { build in
            build.get("home", handler: homeView)
        build.get("home", handler: logoutView)

    func homeView(_ req: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable {
        return ""

    func logoutView(_ req: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable {
        return ""

//MARK: - EmptyInitializable
extension NewController: EmptyInitializable { }

Note: This command will also register the controller in the appropriate file so that it is accesible


The view function will generate a new view filled in with a HTML title for the page.

vaporize view login Login

The above command will generate the following file:

#export("title") { Login }

#export("html") {


If you use the base leaf file provided in the template, the end HTML result looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">



Much thanks to the Vapor team as well as everyone who helped contribute to the template as well as the creation of this tool.