
Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT


Artifact HUB

This repository contains the official Helm 3 chart for installing and configuring Retool on Kubernetes. For full documentation on all the ways you can deploy Retool on your own infrastructure, please see the Setup Guide.


  • This chart requires Helm 3.0.
  • A PostgreSQL database.
    • Persistent volumes are not reliable - we strongly recommend that a long-term installation of Retool host the database on an externally managed database (for example, AWS RDS).


  1. Add the Retool Helm repository:

     $ helm repo add retool https://charts.retool.com
     "retool" has been added to your repositories
  2. Ensure you have access to the retool chart:

     $ helm search repo retool/retool
     retool/retool	4.0.0        	2.66.2     	A Helm chart for Kubernetes
  3. Run this command git clone https://github.com/tryretool/retool-helm.git

  4. Modify the values.yaml file:

  • Set values for config.encryptionKey and config.jwtSecret. They should each be a different long, random string that you keep private. See our docs on Environment Variables for more information on how they are used.

  • Set image.tag with the version of Retool you want to install (i.e. a version in the format X.Y.Z). See our guide on Retool Release Versions to see our most recent version.

  • Set config.licenseKey with your license key.

  • To force Retool to send the auth cookies over HTTP, set config.useInsecureCookies to true. Leave the default value of false if you will use https to connect to the instance.

  1. Now you're all ready to install Retool:

     $ helm install my-retool retool/retool -f values.yaml

Additional Configuration

Externalize database

Modify values.yaml:

  • Disable the included postgresql chart by setting postgresql.enabled to false. Then specify your external database through the config.postgresql.\* properties at the top of the file.


  1. Create a configMap of the directory which contains your proto files.

     $ kubectl create configmap protos --from-file=<protos-path>
  2. Modify values.yaml:

       - name: protos
       mountPath: /retool_backend/protos
       readOnly: true
       - name: protos
         name: protos 


Modify values.yaml:

  • Uncomment ingress.hosts and change ingress.hosts.host to be the hostname where you will access Retool.
  • If you are implementing TLS for your Retool instance, uncomment ingress.tls and:
    • Specify the name of the SSL certificate to use as the value of ingress.tls.secretName.
    • Specify an array containing the hostname where you will access Retool (the same value you configured for ingress.hosts.host).

GKE-specific configurations:

  • Specify /* as the value of ingress.hosts.paths.path.
  • Comment out ingress.tls.servicePort as it is not required.