
A bash script for creating LaTeX diffs from git revisions

Primary LanguageShell


This wrapper script attempts to compile 'tracked changes' files between git commits (or between a commit and the current working copy) of a LaTeX document. This script does not do much testing or verification; it assumes that the commits (or working copy) provide compilable documents that latexdiff (CTAN) can handle. It checks out the commits/branches/tags that you specify into temporary folders, runs latexdiff on them, compiles the result, and moves the diff'd PDF back to the document's directory. To install, create a symbolic link to git-latexdiff.sh called git-ldiff (or whatever you prefer) somewhere on your $PATH.

Usage: git-ldiff [-m <path>] [-p|-x] [-o <opts>] [-b] <base> [-r <revision>]

-m,--main       repository path to main document (default, 'manuscript')
-p,--pdflatex   use pdflatex (default)
-x,--xelatex    use xelatex instead of pdflatex
-o,--options    additional latexdiff arguments (--flatten is handled)
-b,--base       git commit reference for comparison point
-r,--revision   revision commit (default, working copy)

Only the <base> commit reference is required.

The base and revision values can be git references of any sort (tags, branches, commit hashes, etc.) that are accepted by git checkout.

Script notes

  • If pdflatex is selected but a xelatex document is detected (based on a program directive or the presence of xelatex-specific font commands), then a warning is issued and xelatex compilation is forced.
  • The script passes the option --append-safecmd=$ROOT/.append-safecmd if you have a file called .append-safecmd in the document's directory; see man latexdiff for more about safe commands.
  • It will similarly pass --append-textcmd=$ROOT/.append-textcmd if there is a .append-textcmd file.
  • The append files above also have corresponding exclude files that may be specified.
  • If you have \include or \input commands to bring in other files, the script will use the --flatten option, meaning that you will also need latexdiff version 1.0.1+ (CTAN).