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This repository contains a curated list of papers, datasets and tools that are devoted to research on Requirement Engineering.

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Ambiguity Detection

  • Automated Handling of Anaphoric Ambiguity in Requirements: A Multi solutionStudy (2022), ICSE 2022, Ezzini, Saad, et al. [pdf] [code]
  • Using Domain-Specific Corpora for Improved Handling of Ambiguity in Requirements(2021), ICSE 2021, Ezzini, Saad, et al. [pdf]
  • Detecting requirements defects with NLP patterns: An industrial experience in the railway domain.(2018), ESE 2018, Alessio Ferrari, et al. [pdf]
  • RUBRIC: A Flexible Tool for Automated Checking of Conformance to Requirement Boilerplates. (2013), ESEC/FSE 2013, Chetan, Arora, et al. [pdf]

Requirements Classification

  • Zero-shot learning for requirements classification: An exploratory study(2023), IST2023, Waad Alhoshan, et al. [pdf] [code]
  • An end-to-end deep learning system for requirements classification using recurrent neural networks(2022), IST2022, Osamah AlDhafer, et al. [pdf]
  • NoRBERT: Transfer Learning for Requirements Classification(2020), RE2020, Tobias Hey, et al.[pdf]



  • SmartHomeDataset - smart home requirements created by 300 workers. There are 2966 requirements in total with each requirement being expressed as a user story.

  • ReqEval - a dataset for anaphora ambiguity detection and disambiguation.

  • DAMIR - a dataset for anaphora ambiguity detection and disambiguation.

  • PROMISE NFR - a dataset for requirement classfication(FRs vs NFRs)

  • SecReq dataset - a dataset for requirement classfication(security-related vs non-security)

Case Study

  • [ATM system] - The paper "An approach towards automation of requirements analysis"
  • [cafeteria ordering system] - The paper "NL-based automated software requirements elicitation and specification"
  • [library system] - The paper "From natural language software specifications to UML class models"
  • [assembly system] - The paper "On specifying requirements using a semantically controlled representation"
  • [time monitor system] - The paper "A Step Towards Ambiguity Less Natural Language Software Requirements Specifications"



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