- Install Chocolatery: Follow the installation guide of Chocolatery Software Managment Tool.
- Run the following command
make serve
from thesrc
folder - The log will tell you under which domain the project is available from within the browser
- Uses
for configuration files
- Template functions https://gohugo.io/functions/
- Create a new project
hugo new site <SITE_NAME>
- Change config.toml to config.yaml - At the time of writing this couldn't be set via the cli
Change the content of your toml via this Toolkit.
- Navigate into the folder of your project
- Create a theme
hugo new theme <THEME_NAME>
{{ $pltax := i18n "programminglanguagetax" }} <ul> {{ range $taxonomyname, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies }} <li><a href="{{ "/" | relLangURL}}{{ $taxonomyname | urlize }}">{{ $taxonomyname }}</a> <ul> {{ range $key, $value := $taxonomy }} {{ $key }} <ul> {{ range $value.Pages }} <li><a href="{{ .Permalink}}"> {{ .LinkTitle }} </a> </li> {{ end }} </ul> {{ end }} </ul> </li> {{ end }} </ul>