### Activates the virtual environment
poetry shell
### install dependencies
poetry install

Install pre-commit hooks

Docs here https://pre-commit.com/

pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

It's important that you run pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg, even if you've already used pre-commit install before. pre-commit install does not install commit-msg hooks by default!


Commits should start with one of

fix, feat, chore, docs, style, refactor, perf, test


  1. Day 1 - iterator
  2. Day 2 - tuples, collections, lamdas
  3. Day 3 - matrices, tuples, loops
  4. Day 4 - map, cache (with notes)
  5. Day 5 - ranges, range splitting (with notes)
  6. Day 6 - 🚧 not attempted
  7. Day 7 - sort, logic elimination