Nginx-haxe - Haxe externs for the Nginx Lua api
This is a set of externs for Nginx's Lua scripting api.
To use it, you must have an Nginx installation compiled with Lua support. You also must have an up to date version of Haxe 3.3 for the new Lua target (currently unreleased, but available as a nightly or from source).
You can use the lua generated code in a few different ways. Here's an nginx.conf that executes a haxe-compiled lua script for a given location:
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
location /hellolua {
default_type 'text/plain';
content_by_lua_file /path/to/ngx.lua;
You can create a simple hello world example:
import Ngx;
class Main {
public static function main() {
Ngx.say("hello from haxe!");
Make sure to include the source for this library in your class path:
-main Main
-lua ngx.lua
-cp /path/to/nginx-haxe
Note that Nginx will cache the lua code the first time it is loaded. If you're doing development work, you may want to avoid this by setting the appropriate config.