funwind is a Fortran routine to print a stack trace. It uses the libunwind library for this functionality. It defines the interface in a Fortran module, see funwind.f90. It could be easier to copy the interface definition to your source file, since the module file is compiler & version dependent.
A backtrace can be printed from your Fortran program with the call:
call show_backtrace
and compile your program with the funwind library, e.g.
gfortran -L{location of} -lfunwind
Here's some example output:
*( __gabriel_MOD_error + 0xdb)
*( __gabriel_MOD_distribution_halo_box + 0x1d8)
*( __gabriel_MOD_distribution_halo + 0x5a)
*( MAIN__ + 0x16f3)
*( main + 0x34)
*( __libc_start_main + 0xf0)
*( _start + 0x29)
*( + 0x29)
which is the name of the routine of each stack frame, and the offset into that routine. You can then debug your code with gdb with a simple copy-paste:
donners@donners-Latitude-E7240:~/Software/gabriel$ gdb .libs/bandwidth
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Reading symbols from .libs/bandwidth...done.
(gdb) list *( MAIN__ + 0x16f3)
0x402bf9 is in ex (bandwidth.f90:68).
64 call gabriel_init
66 call bo%init(a,(/hor*s,ver*s+1,1/),(/hor*s+s-1,ver*s+s,s/),MPI_COMM_WORLD,periodic=(/.true.,.true.,.true./))
67 call d%halo(bo)
68 if( then
Note that gdb might not indicate the exact line with the call, depending
on optimization. In the above example the call is on line 67. This executable
was compiled using gfortran 5.4 with the flags -g -O0