A p5.js clone written entirely in Python aiming to support the same featureset. It is currently a work in progress, see TODO.md for more details about the current progress.
As of writing ther is no pip package available, instead you can clone this repository and take a look at the examples section.
There is no need to include the p5.js package in your $PATH
environment variable.
To start out just run: python test.py
It will search in the current directory for the p5.py package and the package will run the sketch.
The following example will draw a rotating ball which changes color
from p5 import * # Import all functions from the p5.py package
import math
def setup(): # The starting point of the sketch
CreateWindow(640, 480) # Create the display window
background(name="white") # Set the background to white
caption("hey!") # Change the title of the window
col = 0
x,y = 0,0
n = True
def draw(): # The draw function is continuously called to draw each frame
if n: clear()
global col, x, y
fill(math.cos(0.2*col)*255, math.sin(0.2*col)*255, math.tan(0.2*col)*255) # Set the color of shapes
math.atan(y)*100 + 100 + math.sin(x)*50+math.cos(y+3)*50) # Translate following objects
rotate(math.cos(y)*TAU) # Rotate objects
ellipse(0, 0, abs(math.cos(y)*50)+20, abs(math.sin(x)*30)+20) # Draw an elllips
x += 0.05; y += 0.05; col += 0.1 # Increase values in loop
def KeyPressed(): # This function is called when a key is pressed
global n
if n: n = False
else: n = True