
Bootlacer is a shell script that allows you to quickly deploy a Twitter Bootstrap installation in a directory of your choice. You will also be able to append CDN libraries for various libraries.

Primary LanguageShell

What the hell is Bootlacer?

Created by Boxxa Bootlacer is a quick way for avid Bootstrap users to generate projects on their servers. Simply run the script and include your project name for example: sh bootlacer.sh MyNewProject

I dont really care what you do with this script. I only ask you don't sell it or claim it as your own. I only wrote it becuase I got lazy from loading bootstrap everytime and adding CDN links. After launching a project quickly for someone and them seeing my laptop (Damn peekers), they asked to share this. A twitter follower or comment would be cool if you use this for something.

Script will download latest bootstrap version, create a project folder, and give you options to create a base template and add a range of CDN script libraries into your page automatically.

Again.... I am lazy and got sick of doing this.


 -Set your directory below where you want all projects created under. Typical WWW root.
 -Run script with your project name after it. Example: sh bootlacer.sh mynewproject
 -The "mynewproject" folder will be created for you.
 -YOu will have options to create a barebones page and add librarires

#ADDITIONAL LIBRARIES YOU CAN ADD -JqueryUI http://jqueryui.com -Prototype http://prototypejs.org/ -Chromeframe http://developers.google.com/chrome/chrome-frame/ -AngularJS http://angularjs.org/ -Modernizr http://modernizr.com/ -Init.js Quick document.ready() inclusion for quick jQuery scripting

I really only did this for Twitter followers....