
python-lsp-server plugin that adds support to black autoformatter, forked from https://github.com/rupert/pyls-black/

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI Code style: black Python

Black plugin for the Python LSP Server.


In the same virtualenv as python-lsp-server:

pip install python-lsp-black


To avoid unexpected results you should make sure yapf and autopep8 are not installed.

  • python-lsp-black can either format an entire file or just the selected text.
  • The code will only be formatted if it is syntactically valid Python.
  • Text selections are treated as if they were a separate Python file. Unfortunately this means you can't format an indented block of code.
  • python-lsp-black will use your project's pyproject.toml if it has one.


To install the project for development you need to specify the dev optional dependencies:

python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]

This project uses pre-commit hooks to control code quality, install them to run them when creating a git commit, thus avoiding seeing errors when you create a pull request:

pre-commit install

To run tests:

make test

To run linters:

make lint  # just a shortcut to pre-commit run -a
make <linter_name>  # black, flake8, isort, mypy

To upgrade the version of the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit autoupdate
# check and git commit changes to .pre-commit-config.yaml