
My configuration for vim

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim configuration

This is the collection of files used for my vim configuration. I use a modular setup of the files to shrink the size of the main vimrc file and to better organize the various sections of the configuration. Each plugin has a separate file in plugins/02-plugins and the normal settings for vim are in plugins/01-settings.


All of the 3rd party plugins are installed via git submodule init. Included are:

  • fugitive - Pretty much the end-all/be-all vim plugin for handling git
  • molokai & badwolf - The two different color schemes I have used (badwolf is currently the default)
  • nginx, css3, conky, less syntax highlighting - Added syntax support for various things I work on
  • syntastic - An automatic linter that supports many languages and can be configured for each language (there are a number of settings spread through the ftplugin files)
  • surround - Utility plugin by Tim Pope that adds a modifier to commands to handle text surrounding a section of text
  • indent-guides - This draws different indentation guides to give some visual help when reading code with many levels of indentation (this is big for me when working with third party code)
  • powerline - A pretty looking status bar plugin, may abandon this and pull out the specific things I like into my own (the main development of the plugin has moved to using a Python based code base)
  • cute python - A collection of small tweaks that make Python code look prettier
  • ctrp - A fuzzy finder plugin that is written entirely in native vimscript, it has support for a lot of different use cases and configurations
  • neocomplcache and neosnippet - Set of autocompletion/correction for writing code and a snippet system that are written by the same guy, so the snippets are also built into the auto completion (if it weren't, I would probably never use it). The snippets all exist in snippets/, I cleaned out the collection and have been adding in snippets I find useful as I go along.
  • gitgutter - This adds a gutter to the side of versioned code and notates changes made since the last commit
  • clever-f - Makes the f keybinding smart, it will repeat an f action if pressed after executing one of the actions
  • commentary - Simpler commenting helper


There is an included setup.sh that I wrote to work with my other configuration repos. I am not sure how this would work set up differently, but in theory it should work fine (I try not to use absolute paths).