
An enthusiasts group website creator based on Meetup.

Primary LanguageRuby


Custom website framework centered around Meetup.com


Simple CMS

  • simple content driven cms using textile/markdown
  • pages will be accessible via /pages/:permalink

Meetup.com Integration

  • view upcoming events
  • view group members
  • Users will authorize via OAuth so that they can RSVP

Group Blog

  • Members can publish articles
  • Group specific posts or presentation slides
  • Posts should allow comments
  • Comments should eventually be checked against akismet or similar

Aggregated Blog

  • Users will provide rss feeds of their blog
  • All blogs will be aggregated and show the user whose feed is associated
  • Aggregated blogs won’t allow comments
  • latest blog posts will show up on users profile page
  • A delayed job will run periodically to fecth new posts

Twitter Integration

  • Members will provide twitter access via OAuth
  • Tweets will be aggregated for the members as a whole
  • Possibly aggregate twitter searches for certain hash tags ie. #cltrb
  • Latest tweets will show up on a users profile page
  • A delayed job will run periodically to fetch new tweets

Github integration

  • Show users commit activity – gives an idea how active our group is
  • Host dedicated group projects – maybe started during hack nights

User Profile pages

  • User profile pages that give move info on users
  • Tweets
  • Blog posts
  • Meetups attended
  • Github projects

Possible Features