
Polybar configurations I have created and used

Polybar Themes

Polybar configurations I have made and/or used on my system

  • These have all been tested on my system
  • Some of the modules require one of my scripts to run
  • Please read through the configuration of each theme to verify if any of my scripts or any dependencies are needed for theme to work correctly.
  • Polybar_2 theme is in separate file from modules
  • Polybar_2 also uses powerline-for-polybar by bacara
  • Polybar_4 to have the bar broken up, this theme is running each individual module as its own instance of polybar in my launch script, ie my script calls polybar -c /path/to/polybar mainbar-left &, polybar -c /path/to/polybar -c mainbar-right &, etc. There is probably a better way to do this but I just have not tried at the moment.

Polybar_1 screenshot

Polybar_2 screenshot

Polybar_3 screenshot

Polybar_4 screenshot

Polybar_5 screenshot