
C codes and example data for junction angle extraction from DEMs

Primary LanguageC

files contained in this repo (or available as shared file on Google drive because they exceed the 100Mb Github limit)

conus/conusjunctions.zip (NOT IN REPO - available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZrIUyqb0x6_-4_SRHzLTMVY7WcPqLKrs/view?usp=sharing)
 zipped conusjunctions.txt
 ascii file containing the output of junctionextraction.c
 7 columns (x pixel location, y pixel location, contributing area, AVB slope ratio, AVB angle in degrees, BA slope ratio, BA angle in degrees) and 20,896,511 rows
 ascii file output by junctionextraction.c quantifying mean junction angle in 30 bins of slope ratio for AVB and BA properties 
 ascii file of geometric mean of junction angles at 2.5 km/pixel (1848 columns x 1060 rows) for CONUS
conus/conusnetwork.tif (NOT IN REPO - available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oQGhC3CW3JlttKxthR611AG-ud-a-21p/view?usp=sharing)
 tiff image of valley network extracted by junctionextraction.c
 zipped conussurfgeo.txt 
 raster of size 92401x58059 representing the surficial geology of CONUS in same lcc projection as DEM
 gdal projection definition: "+proj=lcc +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=39 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m no_defs"
 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: -2361180 -1495630 2258880 1407330
 0 - no data;
 1 - biogenic (e.g., calcareous sedimentary rock in S FL);
 2 - aeolian;
 3 - glacial;
 4 - lacustrine;
 5 - Ogallala;
 6 - Plio-Q alluvium;
 7 - Tertiary;
 8 - volcanic rock;
 9 - water
 ascii file of the presence/absence of late Cenozoic alluvial deposits at 2.5 km/pixel (1848 columns x 1060 rows) for CONUS
 C code that extracts junction angles for CONUS at 50 m/pixel resultion. The input file conus.txt is 43Gb (11Gb compressed) and available upon request from jdpellet@arizona.edu. 
 author compiled and tested on a 64-bit Windows machine in cygwin using "gcc -o juctionextraction.exe junctionextraction.c -lm" 
 author executed in cygwin using "./junctionextraction.exe"

 C code that extracts junction angles for a test landscape using the 1201x800 DEM myfractaltreetopo.txt. 
 author compiled and tested on a 64-bit Windows machine in cygwin using "gcc -o juctionextraction.exe junctionextraction.c -lm" 
 author executed in cygwin using "./junctionextraction.exe"
 ascii file containing data for every junction (output of junctionextraction.c) for the test landscape
 this file has 7 columns (x pixel location, y pixel location, orientation of junction direction 1, orientation of junction direction 2, orientation of junction direction 3, angle between 1 and 3, angle between 2 and 3) and 13 rows
 ascii file of contributing area raster (1201x800) output by junctionextraction.c
 ascii file of mask raster (1201x800) output by junctionextraction.c (encodes tributary directions for each junction)
 ascii DEM (1201x800) input to junctionextraction.c

 C code that extracts junction angles for a portion of southern Arizona at 30 m/pixel resultion using the 6833x5333 DEM soaz.txt. 
 author compiled and tested on a 64-bit Windows machine in cygwin using "gcc -o juctionextraction.exe junctionextraction.c -lm" 
 author executed in cygwin using "./junctionextraction.exe"
soaz/soaz.zip (NOT IN REPO - available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vxM_QshV6K_LHLEQDBMtKIFWZmM89k6d/view?usp=sharing)
 zipped version of soaz.txt - 30 m/pixel resolution 6833x5333 DEM for a portion of southern Arizona
 ascii file output by junctionextraction.c quantifying mean junction angle in 30 bins of slope ratio for AVB and BA properties (plotted in Fig. 8c of paper)
 ascii file of mean junction angles at 2.5 km/pixel (136 columns x 106 rows) for a portion of southern Arizona
 ascii file of presence/absence of late Cenozoic alluvial deposits at 2.5 km/pixel (136 columns x 106 rows) for a portion of southern Arizona
 ascii file containing data for every junction (output of junctionextraction.c) for a portion of southern Arizona
 this file has 7 columns (x pixel location, y pixel location, contributing area, AVB slope ratio, AVB angle in degrees, BA slope ratio, BA angle in degrees) and 106,506 rows