
Extended http errors supporting cause and and contextual enhancements

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Http Error: rich http errors

Build Status Conventional Commits

The Http Error module is an extension of Contextual Error, inspired by Hapi's Boom. The module allows wrapping of errors in a safe way, and delegate the handling to a centralized errorhandler without loosing important context.

Quick start

First, install the package:

npm install @jdpnielsen/http-error

You can use the built in factory functions to wrap downstream errors:

import { notFound } from '@jdpnielsen/http-error';

server.get('/:id', {}, async function getIndex(request, response) {
  let document;

  try {
    document = await fsPromises.readFile(join(__dirname, './index.html'));
  } catch(error) {
    if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
      throw notFound('Index file not found', { cause: error, publicInfo: { file: './index.html' } })
    } else {
      throw serverError('Something went wrong while reading index file', { cause: error })

  /* ... */

if the thrown error is logged the result should be something like:

HttpError [NotFoundError]: Index file not found
    at getIndex (/home/folder/request.js:12:10) {
  info: {},
  shortMessage: 'Index file not found',
  cause: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/folder/index.html'] {
    errno: -2,
    code: 'ENOENT',
    syscall: 'open',
    path: '/home/folder/index.html'
  statusCode: 404,
  response: {
    statusCode: 404,
    error: 'Not Found',
    message: 'Index file not found',
    info: { file: './index.html' }

Assuming some kind of errorhandler is mounted, which stringifies the error, the http response should be:

  "statusCode": 404,
  "error": "Not Found",
  "message": "Index file not found",
  "info": { "file": "./index.html" }

Factory function api

type FactoryFunction = (message?: string, { cause?: Error, publicInfo?: Object, info?: Object }) => HttpError;
Param name Type Meaning
message string Error message
cause Error Downstream error. Will not show up in response
publicInfo object Info which should be included in response.
info object Info which should be included for debugging. Will not be included in response.

Available factory functions

export statusCode message
badRequest 400 Bad Request
unauthorized 401 Unauthorized
paymentRequired 402 Payment Required
forbidden 403 Forbidden
notFound 404 Not Found
methodNotAllowed 405 Method Not Allowed
notAcceptable 406 Not Acceptable
proxyAuthRequired 407 Proxy Authentication Required
clientTimeout 408 Request Time-out
conflict 409 Conflict
resourceGone 410 Gone
lengthRequired 411 Length Required
preconditionFailed 412 Precondition Failed
entityTooLarge 413 Request Entity Too Large
uriTooLong 414 Request-URI Too Large
unsupportedMediaType 415 Unsupported Media Type
rangeNotSatisfiable 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
expectationFailed 417 Expectation Failed
teapot 418 I'm a teapot
badData 422 Unprocessable Entity
locked 423 Locked
failedDependency 424 Failed Dependency
tooEarly 425 Too Early
preconditionRequired 428 Precondition Required
tooManyRequests 429 Too Many Requests
illegal 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
serverError 500 Internal Server Error
internal 500 Internal Server Error
notImplemented 501 Not Implemented
badGateway 502 Bad Gateway
serverUnavailable 503 Service Unavailable
gatewayTimeout 504 Gateway Time-out

Custom HttpErrors

The HttpError Base class is available and can either be extended or used to create new factory functions:

import HttpError from '@jdpnielsen/http-error';
import { Info } from '@jdpnielsen/contextual-error';

export function custom(message?: string, input?: { cause?: Error, info?: Info, publicInfo?: Info }): HttpError {
	return new HttpError(500, 'Custom', message, input?.publicInfo, input?.cause, {
		name: 'customError',
		constructorOpt: custom,
		info: input?.info,