
The Sequelize CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repository was forked to allow having a compiled folder for migrations and seeders.

By setting up local scripts you are able to compile .ts -> .js migrations within your Sequelize's configuration folders and run them as usual.

I have extended this functionallity to allow migrating typescript in runtime - meaning you are not required to compile .ts down to .js anymore. Run your migrations as usual.

Be sure that your Sequelize compiled path for migrations and seeders point to a correct location.

The Sequelize Command Line Interface (CLI) for TypeScript

Table of Contents



Install CLI globally with

$ npm install -g @jdpnielsen/sequelize-cli-typescript

Now you can run CLI using following command anywhere



Install CLI locally to your node_modules folder with

$ npm install --save @jdpnielsen/sequelize-cli-typescript

You should be able to run CLI with

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize-ts


Sequelize CLI [Node: 10.21.0, CLI: 6.0.0, ORM: 6.1.0]

### Differences from Sequelize-Cli _(non-TypeScript)_

With sequelize-cli, the ```model:generate``` command would produce _JavaScript_ files in two folders: 
/models and /migrations, or other folders as specified in your .sequelizerc file.  The ```db:migrate``` 
command would then exe ute these _JavaScript_ files to update your database.

With sequelize-cli-typescript, ```model:generate``` produces _TypeScript_ files in the same two folders
(or again, as specified in your .sequelizerc file).  But before you can run ```db:migrate``` you must
compile your migrations.  (The step of compiling your migrations is left to you.)

You could compile your migrations along with your other code, or as part of a separate script.  After you have compiled
your migrations, then you can run ```db:migrate```.

It's usually the case that the compiled _JavaScript_ code will be put in a different directory than
the source _TypeScript_ code, so whereas sequelize-cli had one ```migrations-path``` setting, 
sequelize-cli-typescript has two: ```migrations-source-path``` and ```migrations-compiled-path```, which
default to /migrations and /migrations/compiled respectively.

### Usage

Sequelize CLI [Node: 6.11.2, CLI: 3.0.0, ORM: 4.8.0]

Commands: sequelize-ts db:migrate Run pending migrations sequelize-ts db:migrate:schema:timestamps:add Update migration table to have timestamps sequelize-ts db:migrate:status List the status of all migrations sequelize-ts db:migrate:undo Reverts a migration sequelize-ts db:migrate:undo:all Revert all migrations ran sequelize-ts db:seed Run specified seeder sequelize-ts db:seed:undo Deletes data from the database sequelize-ts db:seed:all Run every seeder sequelize-ts db:seed:undo:all Deletes data from the database sequelize-ts db:create Create database specified by configuration sequelize-ts db:drop Drop database specified by configuration sequelize-ts init Initializes project sequelize-ts init:config Initializes configuration sequelize-ts init:migrations Initializes migrations sequelize-ts init:models Initializes models sequelize-ts init:seeders Initializes seeders sequelize-ts migration:generate Generates a new migration file [aliases: migration:create] sequelize-ts model:generate Generates a model and its migration [aliases: model:create] sequelize-ts seed:generate Generates a new seed file [aliases: seed:create]

Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean]

Please specify a command

## Contributing

All contributions are accepted as a PR.

- You can file issues by submitting a PR (with test) as a test case.
- Implement new feature by submitting a PR
- Improve documentation by submitting PR to [Sequelize](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize)

Please read the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).

## Documentation

- [Migrations Documentation](https://sequelize.org/master/manual/migrations.html)
- [CLI Options](docs/README.md)
- [Frequently Asked Questions](docs/FAQ.md)