Fast, Simple and Scalable Web Development for Perl

Primary LanguagePerl


ASP4 - Fast, Simple and Scalable Web Development for Perl


ASP4 is a modern web development platform for Perl with a focus on speed, simplicity and scalability.


ASP4 brings our old friends $Request, $Response, $Server and $Session back from the 1990's, but adds some new ever-present objects as well. Together the ASP objects provide a consistent interface to the incoming request, outgoing response, server environment and configuration in-use by the application itself.


This is a simple hash reference which contains the names and values of the incoming request parameters for both GET and POST requests.

For example, the following request...


...produces the following $Form object:

$VAR1 = {
  name  => 'joe',
  color => 'red'

Access form data just like any other hashref:

Hello, <%= $Form->{name} %>, I see your favorite color is <%= $Form->{color} %>.


The $Server object offers a few utility methods that don't really fit anywhere else.

$Server->HTMLEncode( $string )

Given a string like <br/> returns a string like &lt;br/&gt;

$Server->HTMLDecode( $string )

Given a string like &lt;br/&gt; returns a string like <br/>

$Server->URLEncode( $string )

Given a string like billg@microsoft.com returns a string like billg%40microsoft.com

$Server->URLDecode( $string )

Given a string like billg%40microsoft.com returns a string like billg@microsoft.com

$Server->MapPath( $path )

Given a $path of /foo.asp would return something like /var/www/example.com/htdocs/foo.asp

$Server->Mail( %args )

Sends an email via Mail::Sendmail. In fact it simply calls the sendmail(...) function provided by Mail::Sendmail.

Simple Example:

  from    => 'foo@bar.com',
  to      => 'bar@foo.com',
  subject => 'Hello, world!',
  message => 'this is a test message'

To send an HTML email do the following:

use MIME::Base64;
  from                        => 'foo@bar.com',
  to                          => 'bar@foo.com',
  subject                     => 'Hello, world!',
  'content-type'              => 'text/html',
  'content-transfer-encoding' => 'base64',
  message => encode_base64(<<"HTML")
  <p>This is an html email.</p>
  <p>You can see that <b>this text is bold</b>.</p>

Please see Mail::Sendmail for further details and examples.

$Server->RegisterCleanup( sub { ... }, @args )

After the final response has been sent to the client, the server will execute your subref and provide it the \@args passed in.

This is useful for long-running or asynchronous processes that don't require the client to wait for a response.


An instance of ASP4::Request, the $Request object contains specialized methods for dealing with whatever the browser sent us.


$Request->Cookies( $name )

my $cookie = $Request->Cookies("some-cookie-name");

$Request->FileUpload( $field_name )

if( my $file = $Request->FileUpload('avatar_pic') ) {
  # Handle the uploaded file:
  $file->SaveAs( "/var/media/$Session->{user_id}/avatar/" . $file->FileName );

See also the ASP4::FileUpload documentation.


An instance of ASP4::Response, the $Response object gives shortcuts for dealing with the outgoing reply from the server back to the client.


$Response->Write( $string )

The following example prints the string Hello, World! to the browser:

$Response->Write("Hello, World!");

Or, within an ASP script, <%= "Hello, World" %>

$Response->Redirect( $url )

$Response->Redirect( "/new/url/?foo=bar" );

$Response->SetCookie( %args )

Setting cookies works as follows:

  name  => "cookie-name",
  value => "the-value",

# The rest of these arguments are optional:

# Expires: (If you don't specify the "expires" argument, the cookie will
# be deleted when the browser is closed.
expires => "3D",  # 3 days
expires => "3H",  # or 3 hours
expires => "3M",  # or 3 minutes

# Domain: (defaults to $ENV{HTTP_HOST})
domain  => ".example.com",    # works for *.example.com
domain  => "www.example.com", # will ONLY work for www.example.com

  # Path:
  path    => "/some/folder/"    # will ONLY work within /some/folder/ on your website

$Response->Include( $path, %args )

ASP4's $Response object offers 3 different include methods.

<!-- Normal SSI-style Include -->
<!-- #include virtual="/includes/page.asp" -->

If you want to supply arguments to the included ASP script you can use $Response->Include($path, \%args)

# Add the output of C</includes/page.asp> to the current output buffer:
my %args = ( foo => "bar" );
$Response->Include( $Server->MapPath("/includes/page.asp"), \%args );

\%args is optional.

Within the included ASP script, \%args is accessible like this:

  my ($self, $context, $args) = @_;

$Response->TrapInclude( $path, %args )

Or if you need to capture the result of executing an ASP script and use it within a variable, use $Response->TrapInclude($path, \%args)

# Capture the output of C</includes/page.asp>:
my %args = ( foo => "bar" );
my $html = $Response->TrapInclude( $Server->MapPath("/includes/page.asp"), \%args );

\%args is optional.

Within the included ASP script, \%args is accessible like this:

  my ($self, $context, $args) = @_;


The $Session object is an instance of a subclass of ASP4::SessionStateManager (depending on your website's configuration).

The $Session object is a simple blessed hashref and should be used like a hashref.


Set a session variable

$Session->{foo} = "bar";

$Session->{thing} = {
  banana  => "yellow",
  cherry  => "red",
  peach   => "pink,

Get a session variable

my $foo = $Session->{foo};


Called automatically at the end of every successful request, causes any changes to the $Session to be saved to the database.


Call $Session->reset() to clear all the data out of the session and save it to the database.


The ASP4 $Config object is stored in a simple JSON format on disk, and accessible everywhere within your entire ASP4 application as the global $Config object.

If ever you find yourself in a place without a $Config object, you can get one like this:

use ASP4::ConfigLoader;
my $Config = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load();

See ASP4::Config for full details on the ASP4 $Config object and its usage.


The $Stash is a simple hashref that is guaranteed to be the exact same hashref throughout the entire lifetime of a request.

Anything placed within the $Stash at the very beginning of processing a request - such as in a RequestFilter - will still be there at the very end of the request - as in a RegisterCleanup handler.

Use the $Stash as a great place to store a piece of data for the duration of a single request.


While ASP4 does not require its users to choose any specific database (eg: MySQL or PostgreSQL) or ORM (object-relational mapper) the recommended ORM is Class::DBI::Lite since it has been completely and thoroughly tested to be 100% compatible with ASP4.

For full documentation about Class::DBI::Lite please view its documentation.

NOTE: Class::DBI::Lite must be installed in addition to ASP4 as it is a separate library.

ASP4 QuickStart

Here is an example project to get things going.

In the data_connections.main section of conf/asp4-config.json you should have something like this:

  "main": {
    "dsn":              "DBI:mysql:database_name:data.mywebsite.com",
    "username":         "db-username",
    "password":         "db-pAsswOrd"

Suppose you had the following tables in your database:

create table users (
  user_id     bigint unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
  email       varchar(200) not null,
  password    char(32) not null,
  created_on  timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
) engine=innodb charset=utf8;

create table messages (
  message_id    bigint unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
  from_user_id  bigint unsigned not null,
  to_user_id    bigint unsigned not null,
  subject       varchar(100) not null,
  body          text,
  created_on    timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
  foreign key fk_messages_to_senders (from_user_id) references users (user_id) on delete cascade,
  foreign key fk_messages_to_recipients (to_user_id) references users (user_id) on delete cascade
) engine=innodb charset=utf8;

NOTE: It's best to assign every ASP4 application its own namespace. For this example the namespace is App::db::

Create the file lib/App::db/model.pm and add the following lines:

package App::db::model;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'Class::DBI::Lite::mysql';
use ASP4::ConfigLoader;

# Get our configuration object:
my $Config = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load();

# Get our main database connection info:
my $conn = $Config->data_connections->main;

# Setup our database connection:

1;# return true:

Add the following Class::DBI::Lite entity classes:


package App::db::user;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'App::db::model';
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use ASP4::ConfigLoader;


  messages_in =>
    'App::db::message'  =>

  messages_out  =>
    'App::db::message'  =>

# Hash the password before storing it in the database:
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_create => sub {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Sign the password instead of storing it as plaintext:
  unless( $self->{password} =~ m{^([a-f0-9]{32})$}i ) {
    $self->{password} = $self->hash_password( $self->password );

# Hash the new password before storing it in the database:
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_update_password => sub {
  my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;

  unless( $new =~ m{^([a-f0-9]{32})$}i ) {
    $self->{password} = $self->hash_password( $new );

# Verify an email/password combination and return the user if a match is found:
sub check_credentials {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;

my ($result) = $self->search(
  email     => $args{email},
  password  => $self->hash_password( $args{password} ),

  $result ? return $result : return;

# Convert a password string into its hashed value:
sub hash_password {
  my ($self, $str) = @_;

  my $key = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load->system->settings->signing_key;
  return md5_hex( $str . $key );

1;# return true:


package App::db::message;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'App::db::model';


  sender  =>
    'App::db::user' =>

  recipient =>
    'App::db::user' =>

1;# return true:

Create your MasterPage like this:

File: htdocs/masters/global.asp

<%@ MasterPage %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="meta_title"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <h1><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="headline"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></h1>
    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="main_content"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>

File: htdocs/index.asp

<%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/global.asp" %>

<asp:Content PlaceHolderID="meta_title">Register</asp:Content>

<asp:Content PlaceHolderID="headline">Register</asp:Content>

<asp:Content PlaceHolderID="main_content">
  # Sticky forms work like this:
  if( my $args = $Session->{__lastArgs} ) {
    map { $Form->{$_} = $args->{$_} } keys %$args;

  # Our validation errors:
  my $errors = $Session->{validation_errors} || { };
  $::err = sub {
    my $field = shift;
    my $error = $errors->{$field} or return;
    %><span class="field_error"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $error ) %></span><%
<form id="register_form" method="post" action="/handlers/myapp.register">
    <input type="text" name="email" value="<%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $Form->{email} ) %>" />
    <% $::err->("email"); %>
    <input type="password" name="password" />
    <% $::err->("password"); %>
    <label>Confirm Password:</label>
    <input type="password" name="password2" />
    <% $::err->("password2"); %>
    <input type="submit" value="Register Now" />

The form submits to the URL /handlers/app.register which means handlers/app/register.pm

File: handlers/app/register.pm

package app::register;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'ASP4::FormHandler';
use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS; # Import $Response, $Form, $Session, etc
use App::db::user;

sub run {
  my ($self, $context) = @_;

# If there is an error, return the user to the registration page:
if( my $errors = $self->validate() ) {
  $Session->{validation_errors} = $errors;
  $Session->{__lastArgs} = $Form;
  return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );

# Create the user:
my $user = eval {
  App::db::user->do_transaction(sub {
    return App::db::user->create(
      email     => $Form->{email},
      password  => $Form->{password},

if( $@ ) {
  # There was an error:
  $Session->{validation_errors} = {email => "Server error.  Sorry!"};
  $Session->{__lastArgs} = $Form;
  return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );
else {
  # No error - Sign them in:
  $Session->{user_id} = $user->id;
  $Session->{msg} = "Thank you for registering!";

    # Redirect to /profile.asp:
  return $Response->Redirect("/profile.asp");
  }# end if()

sub validate {
  my ($self) = @_;


my $errors = { };
no warnings 'uninitialized';

# email:
if( length($Form->{email}) ) {
  # Basic email validation:
  unless( $Form->{email} =~ m{[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+} ) {
    $errors->{email} = "Invalid email address";
else {
  $errors->{email} = "Required";

# password:
unless( length($Form->{password} ) {
  $errors->{password} = "Required";

# password2:
if( length($Form->{password2}) ) {
  if( length($Form->{password}) ) {
    unless( $Form->{password} eq $Form->{password2} ) {
      $errors->{password2} = "Passwords don't match";
else {
  $errors->{password2} = "Required";

# Bail out of we already have errors:
return $errors if keys %$errors;

# See if the user already exists:
if( App::db::user->count_search( email => $Form->{email} ) ) {
  $errors->{email} = "Already in use";

  # Errors or not?:
  keys %$errors ? return $errors : return;

1;# return true:

File: htdocs/profile.asp

<%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/global.asp" %>

<asp:Content PlaceHolderID="meta_title">My Profile</asp:Content>

<asp:Content PlaceHolderID="headline">My Profile</asp:Content>

<asp:Content PlaceHolderID="main_content">
  if( my $msg = $Session->{msg} ) {
  <div class="message"><%= $msg %></div>
  }# end if()

  # Get our $user:
  use App::db::user;
  my $user = App::db::user->retrieve( $Session->{user_id} );

<div style="float: left; width: 40%; border-right: solid 1px #000;">
  <h3>Incoming Messages</h3>
  foreach my $msg ( $user->messages_in(undef, { order_by => "created_on ASC"} ) ) {
  <div class="msg">
    <span class="from"><%= $msg->sender->email %></span> says:<br/>
    <div class="body"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $msg->body ) %></div>
    <span class="date"><%= $msg->created_on %></span>
  }# end foreach()

<div style="float: right; width: 40%; border: dotted 1px #000;">
  <h3>Send New Message</h3>
  <form id="send_form" method="post" action="/handlers/app.send">
      <select name="to_user_id">
  my @users = App::db::user->search_where({
    user_id => {'!=' => $user->id }
  }, {
    order_by => "email"
  foreach my $user ( @users ) {
        <option value="<%= $user->id %>"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $user->email ) %></option>
  }# end foreach()
      <input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" />
      <textarea name="body"></textarea>
      <input type="submit" value="Send Message" />

The form submits to /handlers/app.send which maps to handlers/app/send.pm

File: handlers/app/send.pm

package app::send;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'ASP4::FormHandler';
use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS;
use App::db::user;
use App::db::message;

sub run {
  my ($self, $context) = @_;

# Create the message:
my $msg = eval {
  App::db::message->do_transaction(sub {
    my $msg = App::db::message->create(
      from_user_id  => $Session->{user_id},
      to_user_id    => $Form->{to_user_id},
      subject       => $Form->{subject},
      body          => $Form->{body},

    # Send an email to the recipient:
      from        => 'root@localhost',
      'reply-to'  => $msg->sender->email,
      to          => $msg->recipient->email,
      subject     => 'New in-club message',
      message     => <<"MSG",
Dear user,

Another user (@{[ $msg->sender->email ]}) has sent you an in-club message.

Please login and view it on your profile at http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/

The "In Club"

    # Finally:
    return $msg;

  if( $@ ) {
    $Session->{msg} = "Error: Your message could not be sent.";
    return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );
  else {
    $Session->{msg} = "New message sent successfully.";
    return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );


It's possible that some bugs have found their way into this release.

Use RT http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=ASP4 to submit bug reports.


Please visit the ASP4 homepage at http://0x31337.org/code/ to see examples of ASP4 in action.


John Drago jdrago_999@yahoo.com


This software is Free software and may be used and redistributed under the same terms as perl itself.