Python TDD with Mamba

A simple Python TDD example using:


# Clone the repo:
git clone
cd python-tdd-with-mamba/

# Create the Vagrant VM:
vagrant up

# Enter the VM:
vagrant ssh

# Run tests:
cd /var/www/python-tdd-with-mamba
## File: spec/
from expects import *
import doublex
from expects.testing import failure
from doublex_expects import *

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'foo')
from foo import Foo

with description(Foo):
    with description('#bar'):
        with context('when data'):
            with context('is good'):
                with before.each:
                    global baz
                    baz = {'msg': 'good data'}
                with it('returns True'):
                    foo = Foo()
            with context('is bad'):
                with before.each:
                    global baz
                    baz = {'msg': 'something invalid'}
                with it('returns False'):
                    foo = Foo()
    with description('#bux(name)'):
        with context('when name ends with'):
            with context('a vowel'):
                with it('returns 0'):
                    foo = Foo()
            with context('a consonant'):
                with it('returns 1'):
                    foo = Foo()
## File: foo/

import re

class Foo:
    def bar(self, msg):
        if msg['msg'] == 'good data':
            return True
            return False
    def bux(self, name):
        if re.compile(r".*?[aeiouy]$", re.I).match(name):
            return 0
            return 1


Coverage Reports

Continuous Integration

Mamba already comes with coverage, so just:

mamba --enable-coverage
coverage report -m | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}'

If that prints 100% then you're finished. Otherwise, keep adding tests.

HTML Reports

coverage html will produce a nice report for you like the one below:

"Summary View"

"Detail View"