
Clinical oncology tumor board decision support system made by the Decider project.

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

Instructions to build and run the project with docker-compose

build and run the backend and frontend webservers and an nginx proxy server that passes requests to these servers.

1. Download Docker

2. Download docker-compose

If you installed Docker Desktop (MacOS/Windows) this is not needed

3. Build the app

docker-compose build

4. Make migrations (Create SQL commands) and migrate (execute the SQL commands)

docker-compose run --rm backend sh -c "python manage.py makemigrations"
docker-compose run --rm backend sh -c "python manage.py migrate"

5. Run the oncodash image in a container

docker-compose up

6. Develop

  • Open up the browser at localhost
  • Browsable API at localhost/api/explainer/network/

7. Run tests and linting for the backend

docker-compose run --rm backend sh -c "python manage.py test && flake8"

8. Run tests and linting for the frontend

docker-compose run --rm nodeserver sh -c "npm test"