Brueckner Test ( Juan Rios )

Employees Manager: List, edit, delete and create your employees

Starting with 🚀

git clone

Installation 🔧

Run npm i for install all dependencies

Implementing the project 🔧

Run ng serve -o

Implementing the project On Docker 🔧

Clone this repo, run : git clone

Move to this new directory: cd brueckner-prueba-juan-rios

Run Docker build: docker build -t brueckner:latest .

Run: docker run -d -p 80:80 brueckner:latest

Go to http://localhost/ on your browser

Deploy 📦

Built with 🛠️

  • [Angular]
  • [Angular Material]
  • [Docker]

Languages ✒️

  • [English]
  • [Spanish]

Team Frontend ✒️

License 📄

MIT License

Thank you!!