
A simple, single database multi-tenancy solution for Laravel 5.2+, used at torzer.com

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awesome-landlord for Laravel & Lumen 5.2+

A single database multi-tenancy package for Laravel & Lumen 5.2+.


To get started, require this package:

composer require torzer/awesome-landlord


Add the ServiceProvider in config/app.php:

    'providers' => [

Register the Facade if you’d like:

    'aliases' => [
        'Landlord'   => Torzer\Awesome\Landlord\Facades\Landlord::class,

You could also publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Torzer\Awesome\Landlord\LandlordServiceProvider"

and set your default_tenant_columns setting, if you have an app-wide default. LandLord will use this setting to scope models that don’t have a $tenantColumns property set.


You'll need to set the service provider in your bootstrap/app.php:


And make sure you've un-commented $app->withEloquent().


This package assumes that you have at least one column on all of your Tenant scoped tables that references which tenant each row belongs to.

For example, you might have a companies table, and a bunch of other tables that have a company_id column.

Adding and Removing Tenants

IMPORTANT NOTE: Landlord is stateless. This means that when you call addTenant(), it will only scope the current request.

Make sure that you are adding your tenants in such a way that it happens on every request, and before you need Models scoped, like in a middleware or as part of a stateless authentication method like OAuth.

You can tell Landlord to automatically scope by a given Tenant by calling addTenant(), either from the Landlord facade, or by injecting an instance of TenantManager().

You can pass in either a tenant column and id:

Landlord::addTenant('tenant_id', 1);

Or an instance of a Tenant model:

$tenant = Tenant::find(1);


If you pass a Model instance, Landlord will use Eloquent’s getForeignKey() method to decide the tenant column name.

You can add as many tenants as you need to, however Landlord will only allow one of each type of tenant at a time.

Following is a sample middleware to implement the process of setting tenant on every request:


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use App\Models\Company;
use Closure;
use Torzer\Awesome\Landlord\Facades\Landlord;

class GlobalData
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        if (auth()->check()) {
            if (auth()->user()->company_id) {
                Landlord::addTenant('company_id', \auth()->user()->company_id);

        return $next($request);

Removing a tenant

To remove a tenant and stop scoping by it, simply call removeTenant():


// Or you can again pass a Model instance:
$tenant = Tenant::find(1);


You can also check whether Landlord currently is scoping by a given tenant:

// As you would expect by now, $tenant can be either a string column name or a Model instance

And if for some reason you need to, you can retrieve Landlord's tenants:

// $tenants is a Laravel Collection object, in the format 'tenant_id' => 1
$tenants = Landlord::getTenants();

Setting up your Models

To set up a model to be scoped automatically, simply use the BelongsToTenants trait:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Torzer\Awesome\Landlord\BelongsToTenants;

class ExampleModel extends Model
    use BelongsToTenants;

If you’d like to override the tenants that apply to a particular model, you can set the $tenantColumns property:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Torzer\Awesome\Landlord\BelongsToTenants;

class ExampleModel extends Model
    use BelongsToTenants;
    public $tenantColumns = ['tenant_id'];

Creating new Tenant scoped Models

When you create a new instance of a Model which uses BelongsToTenants, Landlord will automatically add any applicable Tenant ids, if they are not already set:

// 'tenant_id' will automatically be set by Landlord
$model = ExampleModel::create(['name' => 'whatever']);

Querying Tenant scoped Models

After you've added tenants, all queries against a Model which uses BelongsToTenant will be scoped automatically:

// This will only include Models belonging to the current tenant(s)

// This will fail with a ModelNotFoundForTenantException if it belongs to the wrong tenant

Note: When you are developing a multi tenanted application, it can be confusing sometimes why you keep getting ModelNotFound exceptions for rows that DO exist, because they belong to the wrong tenant.

Landlord will catch those exceptions, and re-throw them as ModelNotFoundForTenantException, to help you out :)

If you need to query across all tenants, you can use allTenants():

// Will include results from ALL tenants, just for this query

Under the hood, Landlord uses Laravel's anonymous global scopes. This means that if you are scoping by multiple tenants simultaneously, and you want to exclude one of the for a single query, you can do so:

// Will not scope by 'tenant_id', but will continue to scope by any other tenants that have been set

Disabling Tenant

If you need to disable Tenant management, call disable method:


To enable it again:


Any time you need to check if tenant is enabled, use isEnabled method:

if (Landlord::isEnabled()) {
    // disable to execute admin tasks
    // enable again


If you find an issue, or have a better way to do something, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.