API Bootstrap utilizing MySQL and Express.js

This project is a boilerplate for creating a Node.js/Express API environment that uses MySQL as a database. Also included is the testing packages Mocha and Supertest, it's recommended to install Postman for further end-to-end testing on live endpoints.

Table of Contents

  1. Setting up a new project
  2. Running the project
  3. Testing environment
  4. Installing Docker
  5. Recommended project file and folder structure
  6. Extra resources

Setting up a new project

Clone the repo

Create a project folder on your desktop and clone down the repo into your folder using:

git clone git@github.com:jdsandahl/my-api-bootstrap.git your-project-folder-name

cd your-project-folder-name

Install the minimum dependencies:

npm install

Create local environment files

In the root folder of the project (where this readme is saved) create two files named .env and .env.test

These files will need the follwing code inside:

  • Your DB_PASSWORD should be the same for both files.

  • Your DB_NAME in .env should be your real database and in .env.test this should be the name of your test database.

  • You do not need place these between "< >", this is just for highlighting.

  • There is a file named .env.example that can be used for reference when setting up, you may delete this file once it is no longer needed for reference.

Set up the database

This project requires a running MySQL database.

This can be set up with Docker with a MySQL image by running: (Make sure the password matches your DB_PASSWORD! You can also appropriately name the container more specific to your project)

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name my_api_mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<YOUR_PASSWORD> mysql

Once this is running, you can manually create a database using the steps below, this should use the same name that has been entered used for DB_NAME in your .env file:

Note: the below steps shouldn't be required if using nodemon and the included scripts, as these should create the database automatically from your .env files. The steps below are provided should there be an issue

 docker exec -it YOUR_APP_NAME bash

From inside the container:

mysql -uroot -p

You will be prompted to enter your password. After your password has been correctly entered, you can then create the database with:


You can then exit MySQL using ctrl+c and then again to exit the Docker container.

If you've used the setup above, your container should continue to run in the background while still freeing up your terminal.

You're now ready to begin your project!

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Running the project

After the initial setup you should be able to start a local server instance of the project using the following terminal command:

npm start

To end the localhost: from running you can use ctrl+c in the terminal to stop the server

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Testing environment

This bootstrap uses Mocha and SuperTest to perform unit tests, it is also recommended to use Postman for further end to end tests on the live database.

Running the following command will start the tests:

npm test

When first setting up the project, you should see the below error.

Error: No test files found: "__tests__/**/*.test.js"
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

This shows that the test environment is setup correctly, but is not running because you've not created any test files.

Time to start creating some unit tests!

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Installing Docker


Update your software database: sudo apt update

Remove and old versions of docker tha might be on your system: sudo apt remove docker docker-engine docker.io

Install docker: sudo apt install docker.io

Check docker version: docker --version

Windows and Mac

Docker requires a Linux kernel in order to run. This can be emulated on Windows and Mac. The easiest way to do this is to install Docker Desktop. You will need to have Docker Desktop running in order to use docker commands in your terminal.

Docker tips:

If you want to stop your Docker container session type:

docker stop my_api_mysql

To restart the session, you can type:

docker start my_api_mysql
  • you can can also use the CONTAINER ID instead of the container name, this ID can be found using the process below.

To see a list of your running containers, all containers (running and stopped):

docker ps

docker ps -a

To view a list of your downloaded docker images you can run:

docker images 

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Recommended project file and folder structure

Upon initial set-up, you will not see all of the files and folders outlined below.

Some of these files will be created after the bootstrap has been cloned and downloaded using the steps outlined above, others will need to be created based on your project's actual needs.

Below is a hypothetical file structure to be used as guideline when putting together a new project.

|___ ROOT/
    |--- .env
    |--- .env.test
    |--- .eslintrc
    |--- .gitignore
    |--- index.js
    |--- package-lock.json
    |--- package.json
    |--- README.md
    |--- test-setup.js

    |___ __tests__/
    |___ node_modules/
    |___ scripts/
        |--- create-database.js
        |___ drop-database.js

    |___ src/
        |--- app.js
        |___ controllers/
        |___ lib/
        |___ middleware/
        |___ models/
            |___ index.js 
        |___ routes/

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Extra resources

Dependency documentation

Dev dependency documentation


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