
An elasticsearch query body builder :muscle:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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An elasticsearch query body builder. Easily build complex queries for elasticsearch with a simple, predictable api.



Check out the API documentation for details and examples.

Use https://bodybuilder.js.org/ to test your constructions.

Elasticsearch compatibility

Currently aims to support the full elasticsearch query DSL for all versions.

The elasticsearch 1.x query DSL is supported by providing a v1 argument when calling the build function.


npm install bodybuilder --save


var bodybuilder = require('bodybuilder')
var body = bodybuilder().query('match', 'message', 'this is a test')
body.build() // Build 2.x or greater DSL (default)
body.build('v1') // Build 1.x DSL

For each elasticsearch query body, create an instance of bodybuilder, apply the desired query/filter/aggregation clauses, and call build to retrieve the built query body.


Try it out on the command line using the node REPL:

# Start the repl
node ./node_modules/bodybuilder/repl.js
# The builder is available in the context variable bodybuilder
bodybuilder > bodybuilder().query('match', 'message', 'this is a test').build()



Creates a query of type queryType.


The specific arguments depend on the type of query, but typically follow this pattern:

  • queryType - The name of the query, such as 'term' or 'prefix'.
  • fieldToQuery - The name of the field in your index to query over.
  • searchTerm - The string to search for.
var body = bodybuilder().query('match', 'message', 'this is a test').build()
// body == {
//   query: {
//     match: {
//       message: 'this is a test'
//     }
//   }
// }



Creates a filtered query using filter of type filterType.


The specific arguments depend on the type of filter, but typically follow this pattern:

  • filterType - The name of the query, such as 'regexp' or 'exists'.
  • fieldToQuery - The name of the field in your index to filter on.
  • searchTerm - The string to search for.
bodybuilder().filter('term', 'message', 'test').build()
// body == {
//   query: {
//     bool: {
//       filter: {
//         term: {
//           message: 'test'
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }



Creates an aggregation of type aggregationType.


The specific arguments depend on the type of aggregation, but typically follow this pattern:

  • aggregationType - The name of the aggregation, such as 'sum' or 'terms'.
  • fieldToAggregate - The name of the field in your index to aggregate over.
  • aggregationName - (optional) A custom name for the aggregation. Defaults to agg_<aggregationType>_<fieldToAggregate>.
  • aggregationOptions - (optional) Additional key-value pairs to include in the aggregation object.
  • nestingFunction - (optional) A function used to define aggregations as children of the one being created. This must be the last parameter set.
var body = bodybuilder().aggregation('terms', 'user').build()
// body == {
//   aggregations: {
//     agg_terms_user: {
//       terms: {
//         field: 'user'
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }

Nested aggregations

To nest aggregations, pass a function as the last parameter in [arguments]. The function receives the recently built aggregation instance and is expected to return an Object which will be assigned to .aggs on the current aggregation. Aggregations in this scope behave like builders and you can call the chainable method .aggregation([arguments]) on them just as you would on the main bodybuilder.

var body = bodybuilder().aggregation('terms', 'code', {
      order: { _term: 'desc' },
      size: 1
    }, agg => agg.aggregation('terms', 'name')).build()
// body == {
//   "aggregations": {
//       "agg_terms_code": {
//           "terms": {
//               "field": "code",
//               "order": {
//                   "_term": "desc"
//               },
//               "size": 1
//           },
//           "aggs": {
//               "agg_terms_name": {
//                   "terms": {
//                       "field": "name"
//                   }
//               }
//           }
//       }
//   }

Combining queries, filters, and aggregations

Multiple queries and filters are merged using the boolean query or filter (see Combining Filters).

var body = bodybuilder()
  .query('match', 'message', 'this is a test')
  .filter('term', 'user', 'kimchy')
  .filter('term', 'user', 'herald')
  .orFilter('term', 'user', 'johnny')
  .notFilter('term', 'user', 'cassie')
  .aggregation('terms', 'user')

// body == {
//   query: {
//     bool: {
//       must: {
//         match: {
//           message: 'this is a test'
//         }
//       },
//       filter: {
//         bool: {
//           must: [
//             {term: {user: 'kimchy'}},
//             {term: {user: 'herald'}}
//           ],
//           should: [
//             {term: {user: 'johnny'}}
//           ],
//           must_not: [
//             {term: {user: 'cassie'}}
//           ]
//         }
//       }
//     },
//   },
//   aggs: {
//     agg_terms_user: {
//       terms: {
//         field: 'user'
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }

Nesting Filters and Queries

It is even possible to nest filters, e.g. when some should and must filters have to be combined.

var body = bodybuilder()
    .orFilter('term', 'author', 'kimchy')
    .orFilter('bool', b => b
      .filter('match', 'message', 'this is a test')
      .filter('term', 'type', 'comment')

// body == {
//   query: {
//     bool: {
//       filter: {
//         bool: {
//           should: [
//             { term: { author: 'kimchy' } },
//             { bool: { must: [
//               { match: { message: 'this is a test' } },
//               { term: { type: 'comment' } }
//             ] } }
//           ]
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }


Set a sort direction using sort(field, direction), where direction defaults to ascending.

var body = bodybuilder()
    .filter('term', 'message', 'test')
    .sort('timestamp', 'desc')
      "channel": {
        "order": "desc"
      {"categories": "desc"},
      {"content": "asc"}

// body == {
//   sort: [{
//       "timestamp": {
//         "order": "desc"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "channel": {
//         "order": "desc"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "categories": {
//         "order": "desc"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "content": {
//         "order": "asc"
//       }
//     }
//   ],
//   query: {
//     bool: {
//       filter: {
//         term: {
//           message: 'test'
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }

Advanced usage: Set a sort configuration object for the given sort field with additional sort properties. sort(field, { sort: 'asc', mode: 'min', ...})

From / Size

Set from and size parameters to configure the offset and maximum hits to be returned.

var body = bodybuilder()
  .filter('term', 'message', 'test')

// body == {
//   size: 5,
//   from: 10,
//   query: {
//     bool: {
//       filter: {
//         term: {
//           message: 'test'
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }

Other Options

Set any other search request option using rawOption passing in the key-value pair to include in the body.

var body = bodybuilder()
  .filter('term', 'message', 'test')
  .rawOption('_sourceExclude', 'verybigfield')

// body == {
//   _sourceExclude: 'verybigfield',
//   query: {
//     bool: {
//       filter: {
//         term: {
//           message: 'test'
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }


Run unit tests:

npm test


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Daniel Paz-Soldan

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸš‡ πŸ€”

NicolΓ‘s Fantone

πŸ’» ⚠️

Nauval Atmaja


Ferron H

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ› πŸ“–

Dave Cranwell


Johannes Scharlach

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ€”

Anton Samper Rivaya

πŸ’» πŸ“–

Suhas Karanth


Jacob Gillespie


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!