
A R-package to Import Historical Data from Brazilian Meteorological Stations

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION

inmetr: Historical Data from Brazilian Meteorological Stations in R

DOI Build Status


inmetr provide access to historical data measured by meteorological stations available in the Meteorological Database for Education and Research (BDMEP) from National Institute of Meteorology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia - INMET), Brazil.


inmetr is easy to install from Git Hub using the devtools package.


Load package


Stations ID

To search a meteorological station from INMET we can use metadata of INMET stations included in inmetr package as bdmep_meta.

#>      id       lon        lat    alt            name   state uf
#> 1 83010 -68.73333 -11.016667 260.00       Brasiléia    Acre AC
#> 2 82704 -72.66667  -7.633333 170.00 Cruzeiro do Sul    Acre AC
#> 3 82915 -67.80000  -9.966667 160.00      Rio Branco    Acre AC
#> 4 82807 -70.76667  -8.166667 190.00        Tarauacá    Acre AC
#> 5 83098 -36.16667 -10.150000  56.13        Coruripe Alagoas AL
#> 6 82994 -35.70000  -9.666667  64.50          Maceió Alagoas AL
#>            time_zone offset_utc
#> 1 America/Rio_Branco         -5
#> 2 America/Rio_Branco         -5
#> 3 America/Rio_Branco         -5
#> 4 America/Rio_Branco         -5
#> 5     America/Maceio         -3
#> 6     America/Maceio         -3
#>        id       lon        lat    alt           name     state uf
#> 389 83033 -48.30000 -10.183333 280.00         Palmas Tocantins TO
#> 390 83231 -47.83333 -12.550000 275.00         Paranã Tocantins TO
#> 391 82863 -48.18333  -8.966667 187.00   Pedro Afonso Tocantins TO
#> 392 83228 -48.35000 -12.016667 242.49          Peixe Tocantins TO
#> 393 83064 -48.41667 -10.716667 239.20 Porto Nacional Tocantins TO
#> 394 83235 -46.41667 -12.400000 603.59     Taguatinga Tocantins TO
#>             time_zone offset_utc
#> 389 America/Araguaina         -3
#> 390 America/Araguaina         -3
#> 391 America/Araguaina         -3
#> 392 America/Araguaina         -3
#> 393 America/Araguaina         -3
#> 394 America/Araguaina         -3

bdmep_meta data provide the id of stations, a numeric code defined by OMM. This id is a necessary argument to bdmep_import() function which allows to download data from meteorological stations into the R.

Here, we show how to find the OMM code for meteorological stations at two cities (randomly sampled).

#stations <- c("SANTA MARIA", "PORTO ALEGRE")
# random sample of two stations names 
stations <- sample(bdmep_meta$name,2)
stations_rows <- pmatch(stations, bdmep_meta$name)
bdmep_meta[stations_rows, ]
#>        id       lon       lat alt           name          state uf
#> 366 83774 -48.88333 -23.95000 707        Itapeva      São Paulo SP
#> 77  83043 -40.73333 -20.63333 110 Alfredo Chaves Espírito Santo ES
#>             time_zone offset_utc
#> 366 America/Sao_Paulo         -3
#> 77  America/Sao_Paulo         -3
stns_codes <- bdmep_meta[stations_rows, "id"] 
#> [1] "83774" "83043"

Import data

Now we can import data for the two cities from 1961 to the current date.

start_date <- "01/01/1961"
end_date <- format(Sys.Date(), "%d/%m/%Y")
met_data <- bdmep_import(id = stns_codes,
                         sdate = start_date, 
                         edate = end_date, 
                         email = "your-email",
                         passwd = "your-password",
                         verbose = TRUE)
#> ------------------------------
#> station: 83774
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#> ------------------------------
#> station: 83043
#> OK (HTTP 200).
# check de start date
#>                  date    id prec tair   tw tmax tmin urmax  patm pnmm wd
#> 1 1961-01-01 00:00:00 83774   NA   NA   NA 26.0   NA    NA    NA   NA NA
#> 2 1961-01-01 12:00:00 83774   NA 20.0 19.6   NA 17.2    96 934.2   NA 14
#> 3 1961-01-01 18:00:00 83774   NA 24.9 21.4   NA   NA    73 932.3   NA 14
#> 4 1961-01-02 00:00:00 83774   NA 21.2 20.8 26.4   NA    96 933.2   NA 18
#> 5 1961-01-02 12:00:00 83774 31.9 20.6 20.2   NA 17.0    97 933.0   NA  0
#> 6 1961-01-02 18:00:00 83774   NA 24.4 21.8   NA   NA    78 932.0   NA 32
#>   wsmax  n cc evap    ur       ws    request_status
#> 1    NA NA NA  4.4 90.25 2.333333 Success: (200) OK
#> 2     3 NA 10   NA    NA       NA Success: (200) OK
#> 3     3 NA 10   NA    NA       NA Success: (200) OK
#> 4     1 NA 10  3.4 88.75 1.000000 Success: (200) OK
#> 5     0 NA  9   NA    NA       NA Success: (200) OK
#> 6     3 NA 10   NA    NA       NA Success: (200) OK
# check de end date
#>                      date    id prec tair tw tmax tmin urmax patm pnmm wd
#> 45260 2007-01-13 12:00:00 83043 42.2   NA NA   NA 20.2    NA   NA   NA NA
#> 45261 2007-01-14 00:00:00 83043   NA   NA NA 26.2   NA    NA   NA   NA NA
#> 45262 2007-01-14 12:00:00 83043  3.2   NA NA   NA 22.0    NA   NA   NA NA
#> 45263 2007-01-15 00:00:00 83043   NA   NA NA 30.6   NA    NA   NA   NA NA
#> 45264 2007-01-15 12:00:00 83043  3.0   NA NA   NA 21.6    NA   NA   NA NA
#> 45265 2007-01-16 00:00:00 83043   NA   NA NA 24.6   NA    NA   NA   NA NA
#>       wsmax  n cc evap ur ws    request_status
#> 45260    NA NA NA   NA NA NA Success: (200) OK
#> 45261    NA NA NA  1.5 NA NA Success: (200) OK
#> 45262    NA NA NA   NA NA NA Success: (200) OK
#> 45263    NA NA NA  1.5 NA NA Success: (200) OK
#> 45264    NA NA NA   NA NA NA Success: (200) OK
#> 45265    NA NA NA  2.5 NA NA Success: (200) OK

You can save data in a CSV file setting destdir = "path/to/write/files" in bdmep_import function. Data will be save one file per station.

A description of meteorological variables can be obtained by bdmep_description().

#>           varname                            description  unit
#> 1            date              date and time information     -
#> 2              id                             station ID     -
#> 3            prec                          precipitation    mm
#> 4            tair                        air temperature deg C
#> 5              tw                   wet bulb temperature deg C
#> 6            tmax                maximum air temperature deg C
#> 7            tmin                minimum air temperature deg C
#> 8           urmax              maximum relative humidity     %
#> 9            patm                   atmospheric pressure   hPa
#> 10           pnmm    mean sea level atmospheric pressure   hPa
#> 11             wd                         wind direction   deg
#> 12          wsmax                              wind gust   m/s
#> 13              n                         sunshine hours     h
#> 14             cc                            cloud cover     -
#> 15           evap                            evaporation    mm
#> 16             ur                      relative humidity     %
#> 17             ws                             wind speed   m/s
#> 18 request_status Information on the status of a request  <NA>

Eventually, if the request failed a message will be prompted with the HTTP status code, for example:

station: 83774
Bad Gateway (HTTP 502).
station: 83043
Bad Gateway (HTTP 502).

In this case the outcome data frame will be filled with NA, except for request_status which will return information on the request status.

#>   date    id prec tair tw tmax tmin urmax patm pnmm wd wsmax  n cc evap ur
#> 1   NA 83774   NA   NA NA   NA   NA    NA   NA   NA NA    NA NA NA   NA NA
#> 2   NA 83043   NA   NA NA   NA   NA    NA   NA   NA NA    NA NA NA   NA NA
#>   ws          request_status
#> 1 NA Bad Gateway (HTTP 502).
#> 2 NA Bad Gateway (HTTP 502).

To cite this software


To cite package 'inmetr' in publications use:

  Tatsch, J.D. 2017. inmetr R package (v 0.2.5): Historical Data
  from Brazilian Meteorological Stations in R. Zenodo.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {inmetr: Historical Data from Brazilian Meteorological Stations in R},
    author = {Jonatan Tatsch},
    year = {2017},
    note = {R package version 0.2.5},
    doi = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.580813},
    institution = {Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-UFSM},
    url = {https://github.com/lhmet/inmetr},