
Convenience components for the @microsoft/msal-react library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

MSAL-React Helpers

This library contains some common patterns including:

  • Private Components which are only displayed to users who are logged in

  • Protected Components which are only displayed to users who have been assigned the correct roles (RBAC)

  • Force Login Once so that users are automatically prompted to login when a page / component is displayed for the first time and aren't already logged in.

  • Connect MSAL-Browser with MGT Components so that you can take advantage of the awesome Microsoft Graph Toolkit for React Components, and use msal-browser to manage your own components.

General Setup

I like to start by instantiating an MSAL Public Client Application in a msal-config.ts file, like so:

// auth-config.ts
import { Configuration, PublicClientApplication } from "@azure/msal-browser";
import { Providers as MGT_Providers } from "@microsoft/mgt-element/dist/es6";
import { Msal2Provider as MGT_Msal2Provider } from "@microsoft/mgt-msal2-provider/dist/es6";

const configuration: Configuration = {
  auth: {
    // provide clientId and authority in the build environment or a .env file
    clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
    authority: process.env.REACT_APP_AUTHORITY,
    redirectUri: window.location.origin,

export const MSAL_instance = new PublicClientApplication(configuration);
MGT_Providers.globalProvider = new MGT_Msal2Provider({
  publicClientApplication: MSAL_instance,

and then wrap the application with the MsalProvider in the usual way:

// index.tsx
import { App } from './/app';
import { MSAL_instance } from "./auth/configuration"
import { MsalProvider } from "@azure/msal-react";

  <MsalProvider instance={MSAL_instance}>
    <App />

Setup with Microsoft Graph Toolkit

Connecting the MSAL provider with Microsoft Graph Tookit for React is as easy as:

// app.tsx
import { useConnectMGT } from 'react-msal-helpers';

export const App = () => {

  ... your application 

Note that useConnectMGT() must be called in a component wrapped in <MsalProvider>.

Private Components

To require that a user be logged in to view a component, use:

import { PrivateComponent } from 'react-msal-helpers';

    /* This component is rendered when the user is not logged in */
    /* This component is rendered when the MSAL Provider status is "startup" */
    /* The protected component */

Protected Components

To require that a user be logged in and have the appropriate Application Registration Permissions (RBAC), use:

import { RBACProtectedComponent } from 'react-msal-helpers';

    /* This component is rendered when if the user is logged 
       in but does not have the correct App Registration Roles */
    /* This component is rendered when the user is not logged in */
    /* This component is rendered when the MSAL Provider status is "startup" */
    /* The protected componenet is visible if the user has been granted **This** role */
    /* The protected componenet is visible if the user has been granted **All of** these roles */
    /* The protected componenet is visible if the user has been granted **Any of** these roles */
    /* The protected component */

Private / Protected Routing

Private and Protected routing is accomplished by passing the appropriate redirect component for your favorite React Routing library. For example, this can be accomplished with react-router-dom using:

import { PrivateComponent, RBACProtectedComponent  } from 'react-msal-helpers';
import { Switch, Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
const MyPrivateRoute = props => (
    loading={"loading accounts data..."}
    unauthenticated={() => <Redirect to="/pleaseLogIn" />}
    content={() => <p>Private Content</p>}

const MyProtectedRoute = props => (
    loading={"loading accounts data..."}
    unauthorized={() => <Redirect to="/unauthorized" />}
    unauthenticated={() => <Redirect to="/pleaseLogIn" />}
    content={() => <p>Protected Content</p>}

const MyAppRouter= props => (
    <Route exact path='/private' render={MyPrivateRoute} />
    <Route exact path='/protected' render={MyProtectedRoute} />
    <Route exact path='/unauthorized' render="UNAUTHORIZED" />
    <Route exact path='/pleaseLogIn' render={() => <p>Please log in</p>} />

Force Login on the first render

If logging in is required to view an application or component, you can save the user a click and a few moments by automatically starting the login process. This can be accomplished using a hook like so:

import { useForceLoginOnce } from 'react-msal-helpers';

const App = props => {

or with a compnent wrapper like so:

import { ForceAuthenticationOnce } from 'react-msal-helpers';

  /* This component is rendered when the login is being initialized automatically */
  forcingLoginMessage={() => <p>Logging you in</p>}
  /* Content to render when the user is not logged in and authentication is not being forced */
  unauthenticated={() => <p>Please log in</p>}
  /* Rendered when the MsalAppliation state is "startup" */
  loading={() => <p>Loading account data</p>}
  /* The content to render  */

Note that useForceLoginOnce() and <ForceAuthenticationOnce/> must be used in a component wrapped in <MsalProvider>.
