This is a modified version of COBRAme with minor edits to allow for the reconstruction of a ME-model of B. subtilis (see BACILLUSme).
A COBRApy extension for constructing and simulating genome-scale models of metabolism and gene expression (ME-models)
For more information on ME-models and the COBRAme ME-model architecture, see the COBRAme readthedocs.
If using COBRAme or iJL1678b-ME in a publication, please cite: doi:10.1101/106559. Note that the model may be edited and updated until it is peer-reviewed and published.
Docker images are available on DockerHub which contain pre-installed versions COBRAme, the solvers, all dependencies using Python 3.6. Dockerfiles are also available to build Docker containers locally.
The DockerHub images contain a precompiled version the qMINOS solver and SoPlex can additionally be installed if a Docker container is build locally.
- clone the repository
- run
python develop --user
A full COBRAme ME-model currently only exists for E. coli K-12 MG1655. See the ECOLIme package for the data and scripts required to build iJL1678b-ME. After installing ECOLIme, iJL1678b-ME can be constructed from scratch by running
Note: ECOLIme and COBRAme are versioned together (i.e. version 0.0.8 of ECOLIme should be used with version 0.0.8 of COBRAme, etc.)
ME-models are inherently ill-scaled and thus require extended precision solvers in to be solved accurately. COBRAme currently supports the use of two such solvers: qMINOS (128-bit precision) and SoPlex (80-bit precision). Both solvers are freely available for academic use. For further examples, refer to solve_demo.ipynb
To install qMINOS for use with COBRAme:
- Obtain the qMINOS source code from Prof. Michael A. Saunders at Stanford University
- Download and install the solvemepy extension
- Once installed, ME-models can be solved using a bisection routine by running the following code:
from qminospy.me1 import ME_NLP1 me_nlp = ME_NLP1(me_model, growth_key='mu') muopt, hs, xopt, cache = me_nlp.bisectmu(precision=1e-6, mumax=1.5) me_model.solution.f = me_model.solution.x_dict['biomass_dilution']
To install SoPlex for use with COBRAme:
- Download the SoPlex source code from ZIB
- Download and install the soplex_cython extension
- Once installed, ME-models can be solved using a binary search routine by running the following code:
from cobrame.solve.algorithms import binary_search binary_search(me_model, min_mu=.1, max_mu=1.5, debug=True, mu_accuracy=1e-6)
COBRAme and its extensions require:
- Python versions 2.7+/3.5+
- COBRApy versions <= 0.5.11. We recommend using 0.5.11.
- Linux is recommended, with a relatively recent glibc. Mac OS X is also supported. Windows has worked in the past, but is not explicitly supported at this time.