
An automated turret

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


An automated turret


  • Servo-Driven Pan and Tilt Platform

    • ** TBD **
  • Airsoft Armaments

    • Automatic Electric Gun (AEG)
      • for initial testing
      • ** TBD **
    • High-Pressure Air (HPA)
      • ** TBD **
    • High-Speed Feeder
      • requirements
        • <= 3000 pellets/min (50 pellets/sec)
        • no jamming over full capacity of pellets
        • sufficient capacity to match air supply
        • operates in all orientations (i.e., don't rely on gravity feed)
        • flexible feeder line
        • effective range <15 meters
        • ? J, ? fps
      • design features
        • ?
      • feeder data
        • 20V@?A: 44.5 p/s
          • max rate (24V@?A): 55 p/s
        • current limiting resistor for DRV8876
          • ? ohms: ????
  • Sensors

    • Presence Detection
      • 24GHz radar
        • ** TBD **
      • PIR
        • ** TBD **
    • Vision-Based Detection
      • ** TBD **
    • Vision-Based Targeting
      • ** TBD **
    • Video Streaming
      • ** TBD **
    • Telemetry
      • ** TBD **
    • Airsoft Sensors
      • Chronograph
        • add pair of IR emitter/receiver pairs to tube added to end of barrel
          • make tube slightly larger than bore size
          • place emitter and receiver on opposite sides of the tube
          • separate emitter/receiver pairs by 50mm or 100mm
            • depends on achievable accuracy
          • ?
        • ?
      • Pellet Supply
        • * *
      • Air Supply
        • ** TBD **
      • Orientation
        • absolute, repeatable, accurate (IMU, magnetometer)
        • ** TBD **


  • Test Environment

    • start with cheap AEG engine
      • remove from original plastic
      • design and print a new enclosure
    • create a test target
      • use 70mm cardboard shipping tube
      • add high-density foam with 45 degree face at far end
      • create a "plug" around the AEG barrel with high-density foam
  • MOSFET AEG Trigger Circuit

    • put decoupling cap and back-EMF diode on AEG's DC motor
      • put them right on the motor terminals (avoid lead inductance)
    • MOSFET circuit
      • DC Motor connects between voltage source and Drain
      • Source connects to ground
      • pull-up resistor from Gate to motor voltage source to ensure it's turned on when trigger signal is high
      • maybe use the 20V supply voltage to run the AEG motor
        • if so, need to recalibrate firing rate
    • Motor supply must support high in-rush and high sustained current
    • use IRF540 because it has a lower Vth than the IRF520
    • 3.3V still isn't enough to fully saturate the IRF540
      • need to drive Gate to higher voltage (around 4.6V)
      • have to drive FET into saturation/low R
    • use 2N3904 to act as a level shifter from 3.3V input from controller to >5V output to Gate
    • RP2040 puts all GPIOs into HiZ state while loading (booting?)
      • need to make sure that the trigger doesn't activate during load/reboot
      • use pull-down resistor on input to level shifting transistor
  • Chronograph

    • use ATmega328p
      • can also use ATmega2560, ATmega32U4, ATmega1284P
      • need TIMER1 16-bit timer/counter with external trigger
        • ATmega328P
          • Timer/Counter 0: 8-bit
          • Timer/Counter 1: 16-bit (with Input Capture capability)
          • Timer/Counter 2: 8-bit
        • ATmega2560
          • Timer/Counter 0: 8-bit
          • Timer/Counter 1: 16-bit (with Input Capture capability)
          • Timer/Counter 2: 8-bit
          • Timer/Counter 3: 16-bit (with Input Capture capability)
          • Timer/Counter 4: 16-bit (with Input Capture capability)
          • Timer/Counter 5: 16-bit (with Input Capture capability)
        • ATtiny84
          • Timer/Counter 0: 8-bit
          • Timer/Counter 1: 16-bit (with Input Capture capability)
      • use an Arduino Pro Mini 328 (Sparkfun-like clone)
        • https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11113
        • 18x33mm, 0.8mm thin PCB
        • power and status LEDs
        • Vin: 5-12VDC, 5V regulator, 150mA
        • 8x analog pins, 14x digital GPIOs
        • use FTDI USB to Serial converter
          • select 5V, also need to hook up DTR
      • use 5V version
        • for Arduino IDE: select Arduino Duemilanove
    • 12864 128x64 OLED display
      • 3-5V input (i/o is 5V tolerant)
      • SSD1306 controller
      • I2C interface, address: 0x3C
      • v1.1 is all white, -13 is yellow on top and blue below
        • 2x rows (32px) of yellow and 6x (96px) rows of blue
    • two sets of IR transmitter-receiver pairs
      • interrupt IR beam to mark start and end of pellet transit over fixed distance
      • pull up IR LED with 200 ohms to Vcc, and pull down via GPIO
        • Vcc=5V, Ilo=20mA, IR LED: 1.2V forward drop
      • IR photodiode
        • anode to Vcc
        • cathode to pull-down and GPIO input
        • 120K ohm pull-down resistor
      • IR emitter
        • anode to 180 ohm resistor to Vcc
        • cathode to GPIO output (ATmega328p can pull down 20mA)
    • calibration tests
      • distance between start and end sensors: 40mm
      • drop pellet from top of compression fitting (30mm from start sensor)
      • v = 1/2 * g * t^2
      • g = 9.8 m/s^2
      • d_1 = 30mm = 0.03 m
      • d_2 = 40mm = 0.04 m
      • t = sqrt((2 * d) / 9.8)
      • t_1 = sqrt((2 * 0.03) / 9.8) = 0.0782 secs
      • t_2 = sqrt((2 * (0.03 + 0.04)) / 9.8) = 0.1195 secs
      • t_d = (t_2 - t_1) = 0.0413 secs
      • v_avg = (d_2 / t_d) = (0.04 / 0.0413) = 0.9685 m/s
      • N.B. these numbers assume falling in a vacuum (and doesn't touch the walls)
  • Pololu DRV8876 board

    • one motor channel
    • 1.3 A max continuous current (no heat sink)
    • adjustable current limiting
      • 2 A default
      • adjustable by pot/resistor across empty pads in bottom left of board
    • $6.95 (1 unit)
    • protection
      • under-voltage lockout
      • over-current and over-temperature
      • reverse-voltage
    • modes:
      • Phase/Enable (PH/EN): ?
      • PWM (IN/IN): ?
      • Independent half-bridge control: ?
    • logic voltage: 1.8-5.5 V
    • PWM input: <=100 kHz
    • pins
      • Current Sense (CS): analog output, 2500 mV/A
        • really noisy and have to either avg/filter or sample fast and avg --> not using this
      • Sleep (/SLEEP)
        • active low, put device to low-power sleep
        • starts up in sleep mode, logic high input brings out of sleep
        • takes Tsleep (1ms) to take effect
        • reads strapping pin states when in sleep mode
          • takes effect when coming out of sleep mode (rising edge of /SLEEP)
      • Motor Power (VIN): 4.5-37 V motor voltage input, reverse-voltage protected [use this]
      • Motor Voltage (VM): motor voltage after reverse-voltage protection
        • can use this to supply reverse-voltage protected voltage
        • need put decoupling caps on this --> already on the Pololu board
      • Operating Mode (PMODE):
        • 0/low: Phase/Enable mode, EN=PWM
          • PH=1: forward/brake at PWM% speed
          • PH=0: reverse/brake at PWM% speed
          • PH=PWM, EN=1/high
            • locked-antiphase mode
              • 0%: full speed in one direction
              • 50%: stop
              • 100%: full speed in the other direction
        • can do more advanced operations, but I'm using this mode
          • allows me to jog the feeder back and forth to help clear jams
      • OUT1/OUT2: goes to motor
      • Current Regulation and Protection Mode (IMODE)
        • four possible modes, based on state of pin
          • GND: fixed off-time, automatic retry, overcurrent only
          • 20K to GND: cycle-by-cycle, automatic retry, both current chopping and overcurrent
          • 62K to GND: cycle-by-cycle, outputs latched off, both current chopping and overcurrent
          • HiZ: fixed off-time, outputs latched off, overcurrent only
        • Overcurrent
          • disables outputs and enters a brake state for Toff time
            • in brake state both low-side MOSFETs are turned on
          • if EN or PH pins change during Toff:
            • exits Break state, resets and follows inputs again
          • Toff: 25 usec
          • Tdelay: 1.6 usec
        • Fixed Off-Time Current Chopping
          • can use 100% duty cycle in this mode
        • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Chopping
          • can't use 100% duty cycle in this mode
            • needs a new control input edge to exist Break state
          • pulls /FAULT pin low when chopping
        • Auto-Retry mode
          • if over-current for more than Tocp (3 usec)
            • disables MOSFETs and drives /FAULT low for Tretry (2 msec)
            • resets based on control inputs
              • resumes normal operation, repeats if still over-current
        • Latched-Off mode
          • disables MOSFETs, drives /FAULT low until reset
            • resets by /SLEEP pin or removing power (via VM)
      • Fault (/FAULT)
        • active low (open-drain), indicates over-current/-temperature
        • needs pull-up resistor (or PULLUP pin mode in Arduino)
          • 10K pullup works better than internal pull-up mode [don't know why]
        • just an indication, doesn't change operation
        • fault indicates current chopping if driving motor forward/reverse
          • otherwise its a device fault
          • if /FAULT=LOW and control inputs selecting hi-Z or slow-decay
            • then it's a device fault
    • need add a heat-sink as it gets hot
    • Tsleep: time to sleep from when nSleep=LOW
  • Xiao RP2040

    • A0 values connected to CS (avg over 10 samples)
      • strong 2 KHz noise at slow speeds, to 1 KHz at full speed
        • this is the PWM frequency set in the test code
      • no load signal at different speeds (avg, voltage)
        • grounded: 0.3-0.4, n/a
        • 0%: .7-.9, (Vmax=0mV, Vmin=0mV, Vavg=0mV)
        • 10%: 1-6, (Vmax=222mV, Vmin=35mV, Vavg=111mV)
        • 20%: 1-8, (Vmax=275mV, Vmin=15mV, Vavg=111mV)
        • 30%: 1-10, (Vmax=315mV, Vmin=19mV, Vavg=127mV)
        • 40%: 1-10, (Vmax=356mV, Vmin=18mV, Vavg=140mV)
        • 50%: 1-11, (Vmax=375mV, Vmin=12mV, Vavg=147mV)
        • 60%: 1-11, (Vmax=371mV, Vmin=3mV, Vavg=150mV)
        • 70%: 1-11, (Vmax=356mV, Vmin=3mV, Vavg=147mV)
        • 80%: 1-11, (Vmax=318mV, Vmin=9mV, Vavg=145mV)
        • 90%: 2-6, (Vmax=272mV, Vmin=57mV, Vavg=149mV)
        • 100%: 4-6, (Vmax=208mV, Vmin=109mV, Vavg=150mV)
      • loaded: Vavg goes up significantly
      • CS reflects the PWM frequency
        • need to sample fast enough (>nyquist) to get good avg in SW
        • created a LPF with R=100K and C=.1uF to smooth the noise
  • Airsoft data

    • Kinetic Energy: 1/2mv^2
      • 0.2g 6mm pellet at 400 FPS (122 m/s): 1.5 J
      • 0.2g 6mm pellet at 500 FPS (152 m/s): 2.3 J
      • 0.2g 6mm pellet at 600 FPS (183 m/s): 3.3 J
      • 0.25g 6mm pellet at 360 FPS (110 m/s): 1.5 J
      • 0.35g 6mm pellet at 450 FPS (137 m/s): 3.3 J
      • 0.4g 6mm pellet at 600 FPS (183 m/s): 6.7 J
    • Safety
      • energy levels
        • safe: <2 J
        • strong: >2 J && <4 J
        • unsafe: >4 J
      • values in different regulations
        • 1.35 J: penetrating wound
        • 3.0-4.0 J: penetrating/leathal wound
        • 2.0-3.0 J: penetration level
      • human skin penetration (> 1/2 diameter of pellet)
        • 162.1e^(-0.38sqrt(m))
        • e.g., 0.2 g @ 136.7 m/s (448 FPS) -- possible with AEG
    • Velocity Range
      • AEG: 46-198 m/s (150-650 fps)
      • HPA: 55-226 m/s (180-740 fps); dynamically variable
    • Pellet Weights
      • 0.2-0.49 g
    • Rate of Fire (estimated max rate)
      • HPA: 2100-3600 pellets/min, 35-60 pellets/sec, 28.5-16.7 msec/pellet
      • AEG: 100-1500 pellets/min, 1.67-25 pellets/sec, 598.8-40.0 msec/pellet
    • Barrel Length
      • 221-430 mm
    • Distance between pellets in flight
      • ?
      • time through barrel: ?
    • AEG Piston-Barrel Volume Ratio
      • 2:1
    • Typical AEG
      • Velocity: 120 m/s (~400 fps)
      • Energy @ Distance
        • 1.4 J @ 0 m
        • 1 J @ 5 m
        • 0.6 J @ 10 m
        • 0.3 J @ 20 m
    • Ballistics
      • velocity drops exponentially with distance (due to the quadratic drag)
      • simple equation describes ideal (no hop-up, no wind) distance for given pellet diameter, weight, and speed
        • e.g., 6mm 0.2g 120m/s 1.8m height: hits ground at 34m
  • Links