
Tesla tracker with geofencing and notification

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tesla tracker with geofencing and notification


This uses the TeslaPy module and requires OAUTH authentication with the tesla servers.

N.B. The TeslaPy module seems to be built for 'api_version'>=4.x and doesn't work so well with older cars (e.g., 2014 ModelS is currently at 'api_version'=3.6). The module's behavior with lower api versions is unpredictable (e.g., sometimes it returns data from another of the list of vehicles).


  • Fork TeslaPy and make it work for 'api_version'<4.x
  • Find an authentication mechanism that runs on linux
  • Create web-based interface
  • Integrate with maps -- current locations, regions display/define, etc.

Design Notes

  • key features
    • enumerate all vehicles -- select (proper) subset of them to track
    • report information on current status of selected vehicles
    • refer to vehicles by friendly names -- i.e. ['display_name']
    • define events and notifications
    • run server in background, interact with it through cmd interpreter and web interface
  • Command Interpreter
    • choose (proper) subset of selected vehicles to operate on
    • print various (formatted) bits of the vehicle information
    • use jsonPath to extract different parts of the info across multiple vehicles
    • would like to be able to start with/without CI -- and even detach and reattach while it's running
  • Web Interface
    • use maps to plot location, show trigger regions
    • graphically define/edit trigger regions
  • Tracker
    • one per selected vehicle (for failure indepencence and concurrency -- maybe for dynamic start/stop too)
    • takes list of triggers and generates notification events of the desired type
    • register/unregister triggers -- or restart and give it triggers at start?
  • Triggers
    • triggers are things that generate notifications
      • can be associated with multiple different notification mechanisms
      • can be stored persistently in config file, or added ephermerally via the cli
        • cli can also allow triggers to be persisted -- written into the config file
      • triggers represented by a TriggerSpec (cheap serialization approach)
        • a JSON object containing parameters needed to create a Trigger instance?
        • maybe make it a data object instead?
    • Trigger Events
      • location enters/exits a defined Trigger Region
      • value goes outside of a defined range of values
      • location changes by at least some delta
      • value changes by at least some delta
      • example events:
        • odometer increased by over last odometer event
        • odometer exceeds
        • 'shift_state' change
        • 'shift_state' transition (, ) ???? not like the others ????
        • vehicle enters
        • vehicle exits
      • extend events to include:
        • climate outside range (, )
        • climate changes by
    • Trigger Regions:
      • circle: (lat, lon, radius) -- point is degenerate circle
      • polygon: [(lat,lon), ...] -- rectangle is special case polygon
  • Notifications
    • different types: e.g.,
      • log
      • SMS
      • push notifications to mobile app
      • email
    • same interface (ABC/Protocol)
    • associated with triggers, can have multiple notifications associated with a given trigger instance
  • Main Objects
    • CommandInterpreter
      • runs as MP process, has 'run()' method
      • is given inQ and outQ, and tesla object
      • sends TriggerSpec msgs to main loop to add Triggers to Trackers
      • can shut down via cli, and can restart via signal
      • gets msgs on inQ:
        • (cooked) inputs from stdin (from main loop)
        • shut down
      • sends msgs on outQ:
        • shut down Trackers and application
        • add trigger to Tracker(s)
    • Tracker
      • runs as MP process, has 'run()' method
      • is given inQ and outQ, and tesla object
      • one instance per selected vehicle
      • can get TriggerSpecs (from config file) at instantiation
      • gets msgs on inQ:
        • delete a current Trigger
        • create a new trigger based on a TriggerSpec
        • shut down
    • TriggerSpec
      • JSON string or Data Object?
      • parameters given to Trigger to instantiate (kwargs)
      • indicates type of trigger, which vehicle(s) it should be applied to, and type-specific args
      • can be stored in config file
    • Trigger
      • base class that has 'eval()' method
        • takes live/cached/updated vehicle state as input
        • returns bool indicating if the trigger has fired or not
      • trigger-type-specific subclasses
        • location-based
          • enter/exit Region
        • value-based (state-change (delta, specific state transition), enter/exit range)
          • odometer: vehicle_state
          • speed: drive_state
          • shift_state: drive_state
          • is_user_present: vehicle_state
          • locked: vehicle_state
          • battery_level: charge_state
          • inside_temp: climate_state
        • ETA?
          • estimated time to location given current state (location & speed)
    • Region
      • base class with constructors for specific type
        • method for evaluating whether a given position (lat,lon) is inside or outside the region
          • takes position (lat,lon) and returns bool (in/out)
        • also distance from position to nearest point in region
          • negative values means inside region?
      • subclasses for different types of regions -- circle, polygon
    • Notifier
      • common base class, subclasses for each supported notification mechanism
        • and notify() method
      • parameters needed to instantiate notification mechanisms can be included in config file