Pusher allows you to make async requests provided you're running within EventMachine loop. This is often not the case when you're using non-evented server like Unicorn. Pusher::Async will run EventMachine reactor in separate thread to allow you making async requests within this thread.
Pusher::Async will also gracefully handle forking and start the reactor thread in child processes.
WARNING: this was very barely tested so expect things to break!
Just add
gem "pusher-async"
to your Gemfile. This will add a middleware to your app that will take care of starting EventMachine in forked processes.
Add the middleware to your Rack app manually.
If you want to attach callbacks/errbacks to deferreds returned from Pusher requests, keep in mind they will run in different thread (the one EventMachine uses). Issues with thread-safety may arise.
You should be fine if all you need is to trigger Pusher events and you don't check for request result.
- http://www.railstips.org/blog/archives/2011/05/04/eventmachine-and-passenger/
- http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/mongrel-unicorn/2012-July/001478.html