
Simple Java Projects

Project 1) Average_Calculator: Asks the user for 3 numbers to get the average of those 3 numbers. If user enters in something other than a number an exception is thrown and the user is told their input is invalid.

Project 2) Jar: Asks user for input regarding the amount of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies are present in a jar. Returns the sum of the monetary value (dollars) in the jar to the user.

Project 3) MakeChange: Asks user for the cost of an item. Asks user for the amount of money given. Returns the change given to the user broken down as dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.

Project 4) Alphabet: Prints out the alphabet and labels if the letter is a vowel or consonant. (Y is considered a vowel)

Project 5) Factorial: Asks the user for a number and then prints out the factorial of that number.

Project 6) Temperature: Asks the user to enter in a temperature in Centigrade. Coverts and prints the temperature to Fahrenheit. Once the user quits the program it prints out an average of Centigrade temperatures and an average of Fahrenheit temperatures.

Project 7) Breaking It Down: Asks the user for what type of arthimetic they want to perform. Then asks the user for the two operands. Prints out the computed arthimetic.

Project 8) Newton_Method: Asks the user for a number and then guess the square root with the Newton Method. Prints out the Newton method guess and the actual square root of the number.