
Several Projects in order to practice coding in Java:

  1. A program that prompts the user for their name and prints a greeting using that name. (Hello_World)

  2. A program that prompts for an input string and displays ouput that shows the input string and the number of characters the string contains (CountingCharacters)

  3. A program that prompts for a quote and an author and then displays the quotation and author. (Quote)

  4. A program that is a mad-lib game. It prompts the user for a noun, verb, adverb and an adjective and injects those words into the story. (MadLib)

  5. A program that prompts user for two numbers and proceeds to print out the sum, difference, product and quotient of those numbers. (SimpleMath)

  6. A program that determines how many years you have left until retirement and the year you can retire. Prompts the user for their current age and age they want to retire. It displays the users age, when they'd like to reitre, how many years they have left until they can retire and what year they will retire in.