
API that works with Front End to deliver an application which helps a user log their plants and the plants' watering schedule so that they can make sure to water the plants on time.



Endpoint Description Required In Body Optional In Body
POST /auth/register Registers a new user in the database and returns a JWT username, password firstname, lastname, phone, email
POST /auth/login Logs in a registered user and returns a JWT username, password n/a


Endpoint Description Required In Header Optional
GET /users/getByUsername Returns a registered user's information except for the password authorization: {JWT (json web token)} n/a
PUT /users/editUser Edits a registered user's information authorization: {JWT (json web token)} In body - tag followed by the new change. Ex. To edit the email: {email: email_to_change_to}
DEL /users/ Removes registered user from database authorization: {JWT (json web token)} n/a


Endpoint Description Required In Header Optional
GET /plants Returns the user's plants authorization: {JWT (json web token)} n/a
POST /plants/addPlant Adds plant for the user authorization: {JWT (json web token)} Body: name, water_frequency, species - optional, image - optional
PUT /plants/editPlant/:plantId Edits the user's plant based on given plant id authorization: {JWT (json web token)} In body - tag followed by the new change. Ex. To edit the name: {name: name_to_change_to}
DEL /plants/:plantId Deletes the plant with the given id from the user's plant list authorization: {JWT (json web token)} n/a