
A Docker 🐳 container with CUNI.CZ PDF/A validation profile

Primary LanguageShell

UK veraPDF image

This image is meant to check the validity of provided PDF/A files according to university provided profile.

Read more about validation here: cuni.cz


TL;DR way with prebuilt docker

First, pull the docker image:

docker pull ghcr.io/mff-cuni-cz/cuni-thesis-validator:latest

Run the verification:

cd path/to/thesis/directory/with/thesis/pdf
docker run -v $PWD:/thesis ghcr.io/mff-cuni-cz/cuni-thesis-validator verify /thesis/thesis.pdf |grep validationReports

Building the container

The docker image is built as such:

cd path/to/cuni-thesis-validator
docker build -t thesis-validator .

Using the container

Once you are in the container run the verify script with your pdf as an single argument

verify my-thesis.pdf

The command will dump the verapdf output. To gather the result as a return code you need to do something like:

verify my-thesis.pdf | grep 'isCompliant="true"'

Note that this is highly dependent on the format of verapdf output. If you find a better way, please feel free to report it here as an improvement.