Senior full stack developer and ecommerce expert. Scientist by nature, coder by choice. Paws on the keyboard, treats on the mind.
Sioux Falls, SD
jdukleth's Following
- alanseidenSeiden Group
- alexandrebodinStrapi
- awesomekling@LadybirdBrowser
- chukShirleySure Consulting LLC
- ColterCvach
- cryogen@throneteki
- gwihlidal@EpicGames
- harmstyler@centralsquaretechnologies
- jonathan-casarrubiasGuadalajara, Mexico
- jordiwesiQ Web Development
- kadler@IBM
- NattyNarwhal@SeidenGroup
- Newtonian-Games
- phpdave
- PrestonStahleyBillings, MT
- sindresorhus
- tortuvshin@fleetbase @tixy-mn
- worksofliam@ibm
- ystrosSan Francisco, CA