Python2's stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn't support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement which *does*. If you prefer python 3's semantics but need support in py2, you probably want https://github.com/ryanhiebert/backports.csv
- 4
unicodecsv 0.14.1 using Python 3.12.6 on an offline Windows machine; setuptools error
#97 opened by InfiniteBSOD - 1
Failed to install on windows
#88 opened by alexsilva - 1
python-unicodecsv project maintenance
#92 opened by Jamim - 0
release wheels
#91 opened by gaborbernat - 5
- 2
How do I put the filename ???
#89 opened by etienne-sf - 2
Receiving UnicodeDecodeError on CSV file
#86 opened by PJAMESR - 6
unicodecsv.DictReader still throws "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' " with unicode StringIO
#61 opened by themantalope - 1
First quoted fieldname keeps quotes in key
#81 opened by tanj - 1
problem in encode string
#83 opened by MotiBaadror - 0
DictReader behaviour differs from csv
#82 opened by schinckel - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Python 3 - Writing "ç" converted to ç in csv file
#76 opened by b1139 - 5
- 2
- 7
0.9.4 on pypi and github (tag) are different
#19 opened by toabctl - 5
Failing to detect header row on unicode csv file
#74 opened by kaselis - 12
Backport of Python 3's csv module
#69 opened by ryanhiebert - 8
- 1
working with streams
#73 opened by willembressers - 1
Problem in Saving File
#71 opened by aayush26 - 5
Unsupported encodings?
#59 opened by kengruven - 4
Calling writer.writerow on a list of strings in python 3.5 results in TypeError: string argument expected, got 'bytes'
#70 opened by ben-en - 5
Unbreak Python 2.6 after version 0.13.0?
#62 opened by xZise - 7
Create RPM Package
#66 opened by turicas - 2
Remove 2.6 from the classifiers
#63 opened by xZise - 1
0.14.0 and 0.14.1 tags are missing
#68 opened by apevec - 0
- 6
Retain the order of coulumns in Dictreader
#39 opened by endeepak - 3
Example of how to open a file for reading
#24 opened by cwurld - 1
Sniffer returns unicode but Reader expects bytes
#35 opened by taliaga - 2
- 6
No isinstance unicode in Python3
#51 opened by DenisCarriere - 2
Null character not supported
#32 opened by dgouldin - 4
DictReader chokes on Python3
#25 opened by blagarde - 3
Reader not iterable on Python3
#52 opened by jruere - 3
- 1
- 5
- 5
- 2
- 4
Allow headers to differ from fieldnames
#43 opened by svisser - 2
Unicode input raises UnicodeEncodeError exception
#34 opened by frol - 1
- 2
Choking on unknown encoding
#31 opened by evildmp - 2
Does not handle None properly
#7 opened by chungwu - 3
v0.9.2 isn't on PyPI
#16 opened by cvrebert - 4
DictWriter.writerows throws AttributeError
#9 opened by pwoolcoc