
Lemin is an advanced algorithmic project at Codam dealing with graph theory and networks. The objective of this project was to write an algorithm that is able to find a combination of paths within a network that would produce maximum network flow for a given number of actors. How can we get the most amount of ants through a maze with the least amount of moves?

Primary LanguageC

Lemin is an advanced algorithmic project at Codam dealing with graph theory and networks.

The objective of this project is to write an algorithm that is able to find the a combination of paths within a network, that would produce maximum network flow.

How can we get the most amount of ants through a maze with the least amount of moves?

An example of input for this program is as follows:

34                         the number of ants  (input quantity)         
##start                    a 'tag' indicating that the next line is the starting room 
1 23 3                                    
2 16 7                     a line detailing a room within the network (format: <name> <x_coordinate> <y_coordinate>
#comment                   a 'tag' used to write comments within the input file
3 16 3
4 16 5
5 9 3
6 1 5
7 4 8
##end                      a 'tag' indicating that the next line is the ending room
0 9 5
0-6                        a line indicated a connection between two rooms (format: <room_name>-<room_name>
#another comment
#another comment

from this input, the program generates a solution where the objective is to get all the ants from the start room to the end room with the least amount of moves possible.


  • each ant can only move once per turn.
  • each room can only contain one ant, except the start and end room which can contain an infinite amount of ants.

solution for the input example above:

L1-3 L2-2                                     interpretation: Ant 1 moves to room 3, Ant 2 moves to room 2
L1-4 L3-3 L2-7 L4-2
L1-0 L3-4 L5-3 L2-6 L4-7 L6-2
L3-0 L5-4 L7-3 L2-0 L4-6 L6-7 L8-2
L5-0 L7-4 L9-3 L4-0 L6-6 L8-7 L10-2
L7-0 L9-4 L11-3 L6-0 L8-6 L10-7 L12-2
L9-0 L11-4 L13-3 L8-0 L10-6 L12-7 L14-2
L11-0 L13-4 L15-3 L10-0 L12-6 L14-7 L16-2
L13-0 L15-4 L17-3 L12-0 L14-6 L16-7 L18-2
L15-0 L17-4 L19-3 L14-0 L16-6 L18-7 L20-2
L17-0 L19-4 L21-3 L16-0 L18-6 L20-7 L22-2
L19-0 L21-4 L23-3 L18-0 L20-6 L22-7 L24-2
L21-0 L23-4 L25-3 L20-0 L22-6 L24-7 L26-2
L23-0 L25-4 L27-3 L22-0 L24-6 L26-7 L28-2
L25-0 L27-4 L29-3 L24-0 L26-6 L28-7 L30-2
L27-0 L29-4 L31-3 L26-0 L28-6 L30-7 L32-2
L29-0 L31-4 L33-3 L28-0 L30-6 L32-7
L31-0 L33-4 L34-3 L30-0 L32-6
L33-0 L34-4 L32-0                             Ant 33 moves to room 0, Ant 34 moves to room 4, Ant 32 moves to room 0

Each 'turn' is represented with a line in the output. A move is indicated as 'L(ant_number)-(room_number)'. For example, 'L23-3' means that ant 23 moves to room 3. The goal is to find a solution that used the least amount of turns.

To compile the lemin executable, run 'Make' in the root of the repository.