
Repo for Where Low-Income Jobs Are Being Lost to COVID-19

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Where Low-Income Jobs Are Being Lost to COVID-19

This repo contains the code needed to generate the interactive feature on the number of low-income jobs lost to COVID-19 in every tract in the US. It ingests the output from the covid-neighborhood-job-analysis repo and uses those files to populate the interactive map and lollipop chart found here.

How to update:

  1. The process will start the morning of the update in the #covid-job-loss-tech Slack room.
  2. The map has different color scales depening on which view it's on. When zoomed out it shows either county or metro area CBSA. When zoomed in, it shows census tracts. The research team manually sets the color scale breakpoints each update. Check if the scale break points need to change
    • Review the bin width histograms here to make sure the top bin contains the max value and is a nice round number
    • If anything needs to be changed, let Ajjit know to update the data json files with the new breakpoints
    • No other action needed, the legend and map will update automatically from the new files.
    • Note that as the pace of jobloss has slowed in recent months, we usually don't need to change the breakpoints at all.
  3. You'll need to install a few command line utilities, namely ndjson-cli for working with newline delimited json files, and tippecanoe for converting the geojsons into mapbox-ready .mbtiles files.
  4. Update the Mapbox tiles for the map
    • Run makeMaptiles.sh from within build_scripts/
      • This will pull the new geojson files from S3 and add a top level id property for each feature. Then, it will convert the geojson files into mbtile tilesets for use in Mapbox via tippecanoe. Three output files are created:
        • cbsas_id.mbtiles
        • counties_id.mbtiles
        • out.mbtiles (this is the tileset for census tracts)
      • After the new .mbtiles files are generated, they will need to be uploaded to Mapbox
        • Find each tileset by the below id's, then from the 3-dot menu select Replace and replace with the below files.
          • cbsas_id.mbtiles should be uploaded to this tileset: cbsas_with_id-d4ld8q
          • counties_id.mbtiles should be uploaded to this tileset: counties_new-2ynusr
          • out.mbtiles should be uploaded to this tileset: tracts-7tqd4h
    • NOTE: as soon as you upload these files, the data that powers the live graphic will be updated (no staging server exists for Mapbox). It can take a while (30 mins?) for Mapbox's internal caches to clear, and the data to show up on the map.
  5. Check if the overall national scale max value for the lollipop charts needs to change (that is the maximum value for the x axis, on page load). If it needs to change, the chart will look broken (the largest lollipop dot will not show up or be cut off).
    • If so, update the hard-coded value in line 13 of main.js
    • As with the color scales, as jobloss rates have slowed, this number hasn't had to change in recent months.
  6. Update the three json files (sum_job_loss_cbsa_reshaped.json, sum_job_loss_county_reshaped.json, sum_job_loss_us.json) in data/
    • Run downloadData.sh from within data/ to download these files from S3 into the data/ directory
    • Push the files to GitHub, then pulll them to the production server. Note that once you do this
    • NOTE: once you pull these to prod, the lollipop chart should be live.
  7. From the Drupal CMS, update the last updated date on the urban.org feature