
Run Monty Hall problem simulations

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Run Monty Hall problem simulations in parallel, using different strategies.


./mvnw package


Get the help to see the list of parameters:

java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h


  • Run 2 millions games, choose a random door but never switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g2000000 -ss=n
# Simulations completed: 2000000 simulations run in 1246ms, 665980 cars won (33.299%)
  • Run 2 millions games, choose a random door and always switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g2000000 -ss=a
# Simulations completed: 2000000 simulations run in 1690ms, 1333701 cars won (66.68505%)
  • Run 2 millions games, only choose first door (door #0), never switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g2000000 -pds=0 -ss=n
# Simulations completed: 2000000 simulations run in 1176ms, 665379 cars won (33.268950000000004%)
  • Run 10 millions games sequentially, always switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g10000000 -ss=a -e=s
# Simulations completed: 10000000 simulations run in 6875ms, 6667121 cars won (66.67121%)
  • Run 10 millions games in 32 OS threads, always switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g10000000 -ss=a -e=t -t=32
# Simulations completed: 10000000 simulations run in 10236ms, 6666026 cars won (66.66026000000001%)
  • Run 10 millions games in virtual threads, always switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g10000000 -ss=a -e=v
# Simulations completed: 10000000 simulations run in 8700ms, 6666156 cars won (66.66156%)
  • Run 100k games, car is always behind the third door (door #2), player only choose middle door (#1), never switch
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g100000 -cds=2 -pds=1 -ss=n
# Simulations completed: 100000 simulations run in 173ms, 0 cars won (0.0%)
  • Run 3 games and see the game results
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g3 -ss=n -v
# Doors=[{G}, {C}, {G}] | wonCar=false
# Doors=[{G}, {G}, {C}] | wonCar=true
# Doors=[{G}, {C}, {G}] | wonCar=false
# Simulations completed: 3 simulations run in 11ms, 1 cars won (33.33333333333333%)
  • Run 1 game and see the game details (car is behind #1, player chooses #0 but switch and win)
java -jar target/monty-all-simulator-jar-with-dependencies.jar -g1 -cds=1 -pds=0 -ss=a -vv
# Doors initialized with strategy com.github.jdussouillez.montyhallsim.bean.DoorStrategy$Fixed@6956de9, car door is 1
# Player chooses door 0
# Host opens door 2: goat
# Player switches door
# Player chooses door 1
# Host opens door 0: goat
# Host opens door 1: car
# Player wins the car! :-D
# Doors=[{G}, {C}, {G}] | wonCar=true
# Simulations completed: 1 simulations run in 18ms, 1 cars won (100.0%)