
Script to import static google map tiles as images

Primary LanguagePython


Script to import static google map tiles as images


Build a high resolution static map image by stitching together smaller static map "tiles". Google static map api allows downloading 640x640 tiles, styled in a variety of ways. Those tiles can then be stitched manually in photoshop, or by some tool like hugin.

How to configure styling of static maps: play with https://snazzymaps.com/editor until you get the desired style, then from the json it is fairly straightforward to convert the config to the url params.



The static maps download url with variables __LAT__, __LONG__ and __ZOOM__ in place.


The zoom factor. This will affect the following parameter.


The delta of latitude or longitude between successive tiles. First choose the zoom level, then play with the lat/long in url such that the next tile will have approx 20% overlap. The difference in latitude or longitude is the increment.


The lat/long of the top-left corner of the desired map.


The lat/long of the bottom-right corner of the desired map.

Generate tiles:

Clear the images folder first.

python ./generate_tiles.py

This will generate the tiles in the images folder. The naming is: tile-RR-CC.png where RR is row index and CC is col index.