
Weather app based on Yahoo Weather API

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Codacy Badge Netlify Status



  • I recommend you to use Vue UI (part of the Vue CLI) so that you can run all commands, serve or build the app, execute the tests, etc. by just pointing and clicking. Just do:
# Install local packages
npm install
# Install Vue CLI
npm install --global @vue/cli
# Start the UI
vue ui

and voilĂ , that's all. By using the UI you don't need to know by heart any of the commands shown below.


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Run your end-to-end tests

npm run test:e2e

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Technologies, patterns and tools used for this project

  • Vue.js 2 as the frontend framework
  • Vue CLI as the tool to manage app development
  • Webpack 4 as the bundler
  • Babel as the JavaScript compiler
  • Everything is written in ES6 (ES7 for async/await)
  • All asynchronous processes used async/await
  • Styling:
    • Using SCSS styles with SASS pre-processor with autoprefixer
    • Shared variables
    • Including the showcase of 2 different patterns: line.scss shows how to use state classes while as the same problem is solved using mixins in wrapper.scss
    • Creating a new custom font family
    • CSS animations, as shown in LoadingDots component
  • Used SFC (Single File Components) in Vue.js
  • Used Vuex for global state management
  • Used Vue Router for routing with lazy loaded Webpack named chunks, for high performance
  • Environment variables via (dot)env files
  • Creation of asynchronous API clients for all services
  • Using patterns to show loading states and correctly handling errors
  • Implementing a design without the use of any CSS framework
  • Unit tests with Jest (although the coverage is not 100%)
    • Mocking fetch requests
  • E2E tests with Cypress
  • Tests can easily be required for a continous delivery approach
  • Set up to deploy automatically to a custom domain: https://ama-weather.danielvivar.com
  • Continuous deployment with Netlify
  • Set up automatic code quality reviews in pull requests and badge showing code quality level by Codacy (see top of this file)
  • Linting configured with StandardJS, will try to automatically fix errors
  • Using all possible favicon images


Vue UI building the app

Jest exectuing unit tests

Cypress exectuing E2E tests