This is a quantum technology laboratory using Amazon Braket aiming to illustrate the connection between probability and quantum theory. In this laboratory, we will explore the connections between probability and quantum mechanics. The key learning objective of this laboratory is for students to understand elementary statistics and demostrate that understanding in (1) two-outcome probability theory and (2) two-outcome quantum theory. We will be using the Amazon Braket for accessing both simulators and QPUs.
It was originally developed for Physics 116: Graduate Quantum Information Science (Dartmouth College, Spring 2022) written by James D Whitfield and AJ Cressman. Based on AWS Quantum Technologies blogpost "Bernoulli Line and the Bloch Sphere" by Kanav Setia, James Whitfield, and Tyler Takeshita, also available on the QBraid Blog).
The Open Education Initative at Dartmouth College is gratefully acknowledged for providing the seed sponorship for developing this lab. Feel free to adapt and deploy in your own course. Please share any instructor or student feedback if you decide to use this lab in instructional settings.