Twenty One Day Habit is a website located at Go there if you want to know what the site is about. This document is about the technical implementation.
- 0.1: Facebook authentication is boring (private beta) 11/13/2010 Implemented initial structure, facebook authentication.
- 1.0: Sleep is for the weak (public release) 11/14/2010 Initial release, stayed up too late, added habits.
- 1.1: Too many chicken wings 11/15/2010 Improved styles, added additional login, refactored Facebook authentication, ate a ton of chicken wings, allowed merging of users.
- 1.2: It's a taquito Tuesday Facebook friend caching, memcache, session caching, fading in and out of "x", indexing database
- 2.0: SMS integration, better support for destroying data
- 2.1: Time zone support!
- Figure out what to do when a user finishes their habit
- Show past habits if they exist