
Common lisp formatting utility functions

Primary LanguageCommon Lispzlib LicenseZlib


A package with utility functions to be used with tilde slash FORMAT operation.

Basic usage

Since there already was an fmt library in Quicklisp I had to use a more verbose package name (which is a good idea, anyway). But when using this library (and in examples below) I add a package-local nickname fmt:

(defpackage #:demo
  (:use #:common-lisp)
  (:local-nicknames (#:fmt #:lv.jonis.fmt)))

(in-package #:demo)

(format t "~@/fmt:ts/~%" (encode-universal-time 33 22 11 12 5 1994))
(format t "~/fmt:nbytes/B~%" most-positive-fixnum)
(format t "~/fmt:bytes/~%" (map 'vector #'char-code "Hello, world!"))

The output is:

More examples and expected results can be found in tests/fmt.lisp.