
A collection of my reverse engineering and malware analysis write-ups

Primary LanguageJava


This repo houses a collection of my public reverse engineering and malware analysis write-ups.

I will never claim to be an expert reverse engineer, but I am always willing to share all that I can (that's not under NDA).

Note that some of the older write-ups were written toward the beginning of my analyst career, and there are methods I use within them that are probably not optimal (cough, cough, using psuedorandom numbers as filenames for captured artifacts...), and not the same approach I would use today.

At some point I may have the time to go back and rewrite those segments, but until then, feel free to create an Issue with any feedback or helpful tips on improving the write-ups and I will address the feedback in that Issue and push any updates on a per case basis.

I am always looking for feedback, corrections, tips, and lessons learned, so if you have them, feel free to contact me here, or via Twitter.

Write-Ups Included

  • Qrypter Java RAT
  • Qealler Java RAT
    • Another Java RAT with the added twist of dropping QaZagne: A Python credential stealer based on LaZagne, first published in September 2018
    • Includes FileInterceptor.java, a custom Java class which aides in capturing reflected classes from Qealler during analysis