
Crowdsourced Price Comparison App

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Crowdsourced Price Comparison App

Schmebulock's goal is to gather information from products and compare their prices over time, so users can make educated decisions on how to spend their money.

Currently under early development (alpha).

Development being done in GitLab and GitHub (mirror) simultaneously.

Development Environment Configuration


  • PostgreSQL9.5+
  • Python3.4+
  • virtualenvwrapper (recommended, but any virtualenv manager will do)
  • Unix based OS (instructions written for GNU/Linux systems)
  1. Activate virtualenv:

     mkvirtualenv schmebulock --python=/usr/bin/python3 (if it doesn't exist)
     workon schmebulock
  2. Clone this repo into your preferred directory:


     git clone git@gitlab.com:jeacaveo/schmebulock.git


     git clone git@github.com:jeacaveo/schmebulock.git

    Enter project root:

     cd schmebulock
  3. Configure database (creating as superuser to allow creating extension):

     $ sudo su postgres
     $ psql
     # create database schmebulock;
     # create user schmebulock with password 'schmebulock';
     # alter role schmebulock set client_encoding to 'utf8';
     # alter role schmebulock set default_transaction_isolation to 'read committed';
     # alter role schmebulock set timezone to 'UTC';
     # grant all privileges on database schmebulock to schmebulock;
     # alter user schmebulock superuser;
     # \c schmebulock
     # create extension postgis
     # \q
     $ exit
  4. Install requirements:

     pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  5. Run migrations:

     python manage.py migrate
     python manage.py migrate cities
  6. Run tests without coverage (parameters in [] are optional):

     python manage.py test [app_name][.test_module][.TestClass][.test_name]
  7. Run tests with coverage:

     coverage run --source='.' manage.py test && coverage report -m
  8. Create superuser (optional):

     python manage.py createsuperuser

    (complete user creation process, suggestions: admin/admin123)

  9. Load initial data for stores and brands (optional, if ran multiple times it will create duplicates):

     python manage.py loaddata stores
     python manage.py loaddata brands
  10. Load city data (optional, not loading postal code or alternative name data):

     mkdir -p cities/data
     python manage.py cities --import=country
     python manage.py cities --import=region
     python manage.py cities --import=subregion
     python manage.py cities --import=city
     python manage.py cities --import=district
  11. Run the server:

    python manage.py runserver


API root (Django Schema Browser):


API documentation root (Swagger):
